Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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t = 1. transfer (e.g. tRNA = transfer RNA); 2. time; timed (lung function testing e.g.) / T = thymus-dependent (lymphocytes) / T3 = triiodothryronine / T4 = thyroxine; tetraiodothryronin / TA = 1. Technische Anleitung (zum Schutz gegen...) (D) = (suggest) Technical Instructions (e.g. TA-Luft = Technical Instructions on Air Quality Control; TA-Lärm = Technical Instructions on Noise Abatement) (OSH); 2. tension artérielle = arterial tension; partial pressure (blood); 3. Terminologia Anatomica (approved August 1997, previously the NA); 4. transtracheal aspirate / TAAs = tumour-associated antigens / taaislijmziekte = cystic fibrosis / TAB (vaccine) = Salmonella paratyphi A + B (against typhoid; see typhoid, typhus) / tabagisme = smoking; smoking habit; (epidem.) nicotinism / tabatière anatomique = anatomical snuffbox / tableau clinique = clinical picture / tablette unguénale = nail plate (fingers, toes) / TAC = tomographie axiale computérisée see CT 3. / tache aveugle; tache de Mariotte = blind spot; punctum caecum (ophth.) / tache de bougie = (needs paraphrasing: in fat necrosis, whitish area of necrotic cells, resembling candle wax drippings; in psoriasis, waxy appearance of skin) / tache de vin = port-wine stain, see naevus flammeus / tachypneu = tachypnoea / TAD = tension artérielle diastolique see DAP / Tageseingriff = same-day surgery / Tagesgang; tageszeitliche Schwankungen = diurnal variations / TAH BSO = total abdominal hysterectomy with bilateral salpingo-oophorectomy (gyn.) / TAI = tomographie axiale informatisée see CT 3. / taie = speck (depending on thickness, also called albugo, leukoma, nebula) (ophthal.) / taille = height; stature; (surg.) cut; incision / Talg = 1. sebum; 2. suet (pharm.) / Talgdrüse = sebaceous gland / talggezwel = sebaceous cyst; atheromatous cyst / talgklier see Talgdrüse / Talkose; Talkumlunge = talcum pneumoconiosis; talcosis (rmed.) / talonnette = heel lift (orth.) / tampon = pack; plug; swab (surg.); tampon (surg./gyn.); buffer (chem./pharm.) / tamponner = pack (wound or cavity) / tamponziekte see TSS (gyn.) / tandbederf = dental caries / tandbeen = dentine / tandglazuur = tooth enamel / tandkas = alveolus (tooth) / tandsteen = dental plaque; "tartar" / tandvlees = gingiva; the gums / "tandwolf" = dental caries / tandzijde = dental floss / tangverlossing = forceps delivery (obst.) / TAO = tomographie assistée par ordinateur, see CT 3. / tapetenförmig = lepidic (lung cancer) / tapis muco-ciliaire = ciliary escalator; mucociliary escalator (rmed.: ciliae underlying the "blanket" of mucus lining respiratory tract move particles up twards nose and throat to expel them) / tapis roulant = treadmill / tapisser = line (hollow body); cover (solid body) / TAPSE = tricuspid annular plane systolic excursion (cardiol.) / taraud = screw tap (bone surg.) / taraudage = tapping (bone surg.) / tardif = advanced (of disease) / tare héréditaire = genetic defect; inherited defect / taré = person with a genetic defect / tarif opposable; tarif de responsabilité = notional cost (theoretical cost of medicines or treatment, part of which is refunded by social security and part borne by the patient; see also ticket modérateur) (FR) / tarification à l’activité = activity-based fee charging (hospital admin.) / tarpé = "joint" (marijuana) / tartre = tartar (dent.) / TAS = tension atérielle systolique, see SBP / TASC classification = TransAtlantic InterSociety Consensus classification (of iliac arterial occlusive disease) / tassement = 1. compression, see fracture; 2. collapse (of lung, in atelectasis) / Tasthäkchen = (surgical) hook probe / Tatzenhand = cheiromegaly / Taubenzüchterlunge = pigeon fancier's lung; pigeon breeder's lung, see Vogelhalterlunge / Taumel = giddiness / TB = tuberculosis / Tbc = Tuberculose see TB / TBE = tick-borne encephalitis (3 subtypes of the virus: European, Siberian & Far Eastern) / TBI = 1. total body irradiation (nuclear med.); 2. traumatic brain injury  / Tbk = Tuberkulose see TB / TBR = total body radiation / tbu = température buccale = oral temperature / TC = tomographie computérisée, see CT 3. / TCA = temps de céphaline + activateur; temps de céphaline activée, see APTT / TCC = traumatisme cranio-cérébral see TBI 2. / TCK = temps de céphaline + kaolin, see APTT / TCMH = teneur corpusculaire moyenne en hémoglobine see MCH / TCO see TLCO / TCRE = transcervical resection endometrium (gyn.) / TCT = thyrocalcitonine (FR) = calcitonin; thyrocalcitonin / TD = 1. tumour dose; TD50 = median tumour dose; 2. Tumordicke = tumour thickness (Breslow level of depth, melanoma staging) / TDI = tolerable daily intake (tox.) (WHO) / TDL = tuneable dye laser / TDM = tomodensiométrie, see CT 3. / TDM-HR = tomodensiométrie en haute résolution, see HRCT / TE = tomographie d'émission see ET 2. / TE = mean expiratory time (rmed.) / TeBG = testosterone binding globulin / technicage, techniquer = processing, to process (e.g. laboratory samples) / TEE = transesophageal echocardiography / teek = tick (parasite) / teelbal = testis / Teerkrebs = tar carcinoma / teerstoelgang = tarry stools; melena (ulcer e.g.) / TEF = toxic equivalent factor / tegenaanwijzing = contraindication / tegengif = antidote / tegenhanger = antagonist (muscle) / téguments = integument (skin etc.) / teigig = boggy (swelling, thickening of tissue) / teigne = tinea; ringworm / Teilchengrössenverteilung = particle size distribution (rmed., dust) / teilstationäre Behandlung = day hospital care / teinture = tincture (pharm.) / télangiectase = spider vein; telangiectasis, see notes under Varix / télé-assistance = telecare (advice and support to patient away from the hospital) / téléchirurgie = telesurgery; "telepresence" (surgeon operately remotely, using robot or other computer-controlled instrument) / téléconsultation = teleconsultation ("virtual" consultation of doctor by patient) / télécytologie = telecytology / télédiagnostic = telediagnosis; remote diagnosis / télédiastolique = end-diastole (adj.) / télé-expertise = telementoring (specialist consultant to general practitioner) / téléformation = teletraining / Telegrammstil = telegraphic utterance (speech: learning in children or disturbance after brain damage) / téléimagerie = teleimaging / télémédecine = telemedicine / téléradiologie = teleradiology / télésurveillance = telemonitoring (of patient e.g. at home) / TEN = toxic epidermal necrolysis / Tennisellenbogen = tennis elbow; epicondylitis / TENS = transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (analgesia) / tentamen (usually = tentamen suicidii) = suicide attempt / tente = tentorium (cerebellum e.g.) / "tenting" = electrode looks to be fitting snugly to patient's skin but in reality there are areas of non-contact beneath / TEP = 1. tomographie par émission de positrons, see PET; 2. Totalendoprosthetik see THA; THR; 3. Totalendoprothese see THP / TEQ = toxic equivalent / téquage (téquer) = grunting; panting (respiratory distress in newborns) / tering = tuberculosis / territoires vasculaires = vascular territories / terugkerende koorts = relapsing fever; febris recurrrens (lice- or tick-borne) / terugstromend = returning (blood flow) / Teststreifen see bandelette réactive / têtière = head section (operating table) / tétine = (uterine) fibroid; leiomyoma uteri (gyn.) / textilome = textiloma, see also gossypiboma / TF = trigger finger (associated with neck injuries in car accidents) / TFL = thulium fibre laser / TG = total globulin / TGI = tractus gastro-intestinalis = gastrointestinal tract; GI tract; digestive tract / TGMH = teneur globulaire moyenne en hémoglobine see MCH / TGO = transaminase glutamo-oxacétique = glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase (GOT) / TGT = 1. test de génération de la thromboplastine; thromboplastin generation test; 2. transaminase glutamopyruvique = glutamic pyruvic transaminase (GPT) / TGV = thoracic gas volume; Thorakales Gasvolumen (rmed.) / THA = total hip arthroplasty / THC = tetrahydrocannabinol (psychoactive component of cannabis) / THE (or TH"E") = tetrahydrocortisone / thébaïque = (of, pertaining to) opium; thebaic / thèque = theca / fenêtre thérapeutique = 1. "treatment holiday" (rest period from a drug); 2. therapeutic range; therapeutic index / charge thermique = heat load / clocher thermique = fever spike / thésmaurismose = storage disease (metabolism) / THF (or TH"F") = tetrahydrocortisol / cellule de Thoma = Thoma-Zeiss (counting) chamber / le système thoracopulmonaire = the chest and lungs / configuration thoracopulmonaire = configuration of the chest and lungs / caractéristiques mécaniques du système thoracopulmonaire = chest wall mechanics / THP = total hip prosthesis / THR = 1. total hip replacement; 2. Traditional Herbal Registration(under the Traditional Herbal Medicines Registration Scheme (THMRS) (UK, from 30 April 2011) / thrombase; thrombine = thrombin / thrombocytopénie aiguë idiopathique see ITP / Thrombozytenaggregationshemmer = inhibitor of platelet aggregation / thymoleptique = antidepressant; thymoleptic / thyréolibérine see TRH / thyréopive = thyroprival / thryocalcitonine = calcitonin; thyrocalcitonin / TI = tomographie informatisée, see CT 3. / TI = mean inspiratory time (rmed.) / TIA = transient ischaemic attack / TIAC = toxi-infections alimentaires collectives = food poisoning outbreaks / TIBC = total iron-binding capacity (blood, tox.) / ticket modérateur = patient charge; user fee (portion of medical costs not reimbursed by social security; see also tarif opposable) (FR) / t.i.d. = ter in die = three times a day / "lit tiède" = bed in an HDU / tierce = tertian (fever) / Tierhaare = animal danders (allergies) / tiers-payant = direct settlement (system of paying health care costs) / Tiffeneauwert = Tiffeneau Index; FEV1/FVC x 100, see FEV1 (rmed.) / tigette = dipstick: EN dipstick is mostly used in glucose urinalysis to describe the method, e.g. "dipstick testing"; for tigette meaning the actual piece of kit see bandelette / timed elution procedure / Tinel's test; cf. Tinel's sign (muscle-nerve response) / tique = tick (parasite) / tirage = retraction (inspiratory chest wall; subcostal) (rmed.) / tire-veine = stripper (instrument) / TIT = test d'immobilisation des tréponèmes see TPI / TI/TTOT = inspiratory duty cycle (rmed.) / TLC = 1. "tender loving care" (nursing); 2. total lung capacity (maximum volume of gas in lungs at the end of a maximal inspiration; = IC + FRC or VC + RV) (rmed.) / TLCO = (CO) transfer factor (syn. DLCO) (rmed.) / TLV = threshold limit value (OSH) (workplace standard recommended by ACGIH; see French entries under "valeur") / TLVC = threshold limit value ceiling (OSH) (see French entries under "valeur") / Tm: T = tubular, m = maximum, e.g. "excretory Tm" = maximum tubular excretory capacity (kidney) / TMDI = theoretical maximum daily intake (toxicol.) / TME = total mesorectal excision (rectal cancer) / TMJD = temporomandibular joint disorder, dysfunction / TMS = transcranial magnetic stimulation / TNF = tumour necrosis factor / classification TNM; TNM-Klassifikation = TNM staging system (of malignant tumours: t = primary tumour; n = regional lymph nodes, m = distant metastases) / TNS see TENS / toc-tac = lub-dub (heart sounds: NB German seems to have no equivalent, using simply "1. Herzton" and "2. Herzton") / TNV = troubles neurocognitifs vasculaires see VCI / Tochtergeschwür = secondary cancer; metastasis / Todd-Hewitt broth (microbiol.) / tödlich verlaufend = with a fatal outcome / TOE = transoesophageal echocardiography see also TEE / toegenomen = intensified (breath sounds) / TOGD = transit oesogastroduodénal see EGD / toit = tectum (anat.) / Tokolyse = tocolysis (gyn.) / Tollkirsche = deadly nightshade; Atropa belladonna / tomodensiométrie see CT 3. / tomographie sur ordinateur see CT 3. / tongbeen = hyoid bone; os hyoideum / tongpapillen = lingual papillae (contain the tastebuds) / tongriem = frenulum of tongue / top = apex (lung) / topique (noun) = topical preparation / TORCH = toxoplasmosis, rubella, cytomegalovirus or herpes virus infection (syndrome of the newborn)/ torsade de pointe = torsade de pointe (tachycardia) / Torsionsbruch = spiral fracture / Totalkapazität = total lung capacity, see TLC / Totenflecken = postmortem lividity; livor mortis / Totenstarre = rigor mortis / Totgeburt = stillbirth / Totraum = dead space (rmed.) / Tötung auf Verlangen = voluntary  euthanasia, see notes under PAS / "toubib" (FR, from Arabic) = doctor; "medic"; "doc" / toucher; Touchieren (noun) = digital examination (of rectum, vagina e.g.) / tourniole = whitlow; felon; paronychia (derm.) / test à la toux see Hustentest / toux productive (de sécrétions) = productive cough / Toxic Substances Advisory Committee (UK) / toxicant = a toxic substance, usually a chemical agent arising from human (e.g. industrial) activity, see also toxin / toxicomanie = drug addiction; drug dependence / toxicose alimentaire = food poisoning / toxidermie = drug eruption (skin reaction) / toxin = a toxic substance, usually an animal, plant or bacterial agent, see also toxicant / Toxinbildungsfähigkeit = toxin-producing ability (capability; capacity) / TPB = trouble de la personnalité borderline, see BPD / TPI = Treponema pallidum immobilisation test (syphilis) / TPL = trouble de la personnalité limite, see BPD / TPU = total urinary protein / TPZ = Thromboplastinzeit see PT / Tr = rectal temperature / tr = retention time (tox.) / TR = toucher rectal see DRE / Tracheobronchialkollaps = check valve mechanism (rmed.) / trächtig = pregnant (experimental animals) / Trägerlebensmittel = carrier food (e.g. pro-biotic yogurt drink with digestion-enhancing bacteria added) / traitement par excellence = "go-to" treatment (popular term) / traitement de référence = "gold-standard" treatment; defined: Any standardised clinical assessment, method, procedure, intervention or measurement of known validity and reliability which is generally taken to be the best available, against which new tests or results and protocols are compared (Segen's Medical Dictionary, 2012) / trajet = course (of artery e.g.) / Tramal (pharm.) / trame interstitielle = interstitial network (of lung); interstitium / trame pulmonaire = lung markings (rad./rmed.) / tranchant = edge (of hand) / tranchées = griping pains; (gyn./obst.) afterpains / Tränenbein = lacrimal bone / transduction des signaux = signal transduction (molecules) / transfert = transfer, transposition (skin grafting)  / Transferfaktor see TLCO (rmed., less used syn. is diffusing capacity) / transfert intra-tubaire de gamètes see GIFT / transfert intra-tubaire de zygotes see ZIFT / facteur de transfert pulmonaire see TLCO (rmed.: less used syn. is diffusing capacity) / "translational gap" = (defined) time needed to get an innovation from discovery into practice, or from bench to bedside (average 17 years) / transpiration = perspiration; (pulmonary) transpiration / Transplantatfunktion = graft function / Transportvehikel = delivery system (drugs) / trapezo-métacarpien = trapzeometacarpal (of thumb, AO) / Traubenmole = blighted ovum / Traubenzucker = glucose; dextrose / traumatisme = trauma / travail ventilatoire = work of breathing; respiratory work / travée osseuse = bony framework; skeleton / travées effilochées = irregular cords; irregular strands (of cells in e.g. squamous cell carcinoma) / TRC = temps de recoloration cutanée see CRT / trechterborst = funnel chest; Trichterbrust / Tregs = regulatory T cells / treillis = mesh (surg.) / trekken: het onderliggende weefsel wordt getrokken bij het verwijderen van de elektrode = there is drag when the electrode is withdrawn / trématode = trematode; fluke; Distoma / la tremblante = scrapie (vet.) / trepanatie; trépanation; Trepanation = trepanning (surg., obsolete) / tréphination = trephining (surg.) / trépied carotidien = carotid triangle; trigonum caroticum (contains bifurcation of the common carotid artery) / trépied fémoral = femoral triangle; Scarpa's triangle; femoral bifurcation; trigonum femorale / TRF = thyrotropin releasing factor / TRH = thryotropin releasing hormone / triade = three cardinal symptoms; classic "triad" (of Parkinson's: they are tremor, rigidity and bradykinesia) / triangle omotricipital = omotricipital triangle (anat.) / Trias = triad (combination of 3 simultaneous symptoms or groups of symptoms) / Trichinose = trichinosis (Trichinella spiralis, porkworm) / Trichterbecken = funnel-shaped pelvis / Trichterbrust see trechterborst / Triebtäter = sex offender / trigone fémoral see trépied fémoral / nerf trijumeau = trigeminal nerve / Trikuspidal- = tricuspid (adj.) / trilhaarepitheel = ciliated epithelium / trillingen = fibrillation (card.) / tringlage = stripping (varicose veins) / Tripper = gonorrhoea / trisomie 21 = trisomy 21; Down syndrome; Down's syndrome; mongolism (deprecated) / trisomie libre = free trisosmy / trisomie par mosaïque = trisomy mosaicism / trisomie par translocation = translocation trisomy / geheel metalen trocar = all-metal trocar / trocart = trocar / Trockenbrand = dry gangrene; mummification / trockenes Rasselgeräusch see adventitious breath sounds / Trokar = trocar / Trommelfell = tympanic membrane; eardrum / Trommelschlegelfinger = digital clubbing; finger clubbing (card./rmed.) / trommelvlies see Trommelfell / trompe utérine see eileider / tronc cérébral = brain stem; truncus encephalicus / tronc coeliaque = coeliac trunk / tronc commun see LMCA / troncs artériels = arterial trunks / gros troncs = the large airways (rmed.) / Tröpfcheninfektion = droplet infection / trou de conjugaison = intervertebral foramen / trou déchiré antérieur = anterior lacerate foramen / trou déchiré postérieur = jugular foramen / trou grand rond = foramen rotundum / trou ischio-pubien; trou obturateur = obturator foramen / trou occipital = foramen magnun / trou petit rond = foramen spinosum; spinous foramen / trou vertébrale = vertebral foramen / trouble ventilatoire = respiratory defect (rmed.) / troubles de la compréhension = disturbances of comprehension (neurol.) / troubles de conscience = loss of consciousness (epilepsy) / troubles de la dénomination = disturbances of naming (neurol.) / troubles de l’humeur = mood disorders (neurol.) / trousse à injection = injection tray / Trübung = opacity; clouding (lens of eye) / TRUE = thin-layer rapid use epicutaneous (patch test for allergens) / Trümmer = debris (cells e.g.) / Trümmerfraktur = comminuted fracture / Trunksucht = dispomania / TRV = toxicity reference value / Trypticase soy agar medium; Trypticase soy broth (microbiol.) / TSE = transmissible spongiform encephalopathies / tseetseevlieg; mouche tsé-tsé; Tsetsefliege = tsetse fly / TSH = thyréostimuline hypophysaire = thyroid stimulating hormone / TSP = thrombospondin / TSS = toxic shock syndrome (gyn.) / TSSA = tumour-specific surface antigen / TST = tuberculin skin test; Mantoux test (tuberculosis) / TT = 1. tension-time (rmed.); 2. tetrathionite (broth) (microbiol.); 3. thrombin time (blood); 3. transit time (tox.) / TTA = tubérosité tibiale antérieure = tibial tuberosity / TTdi = tension-time index of diaphragm (rmed.) / TTE = transthoracic echocardiography / TTH = thyrotropic hormone / TTL = test de transformation lymphoblastique see LTT / TTO = total tear-off (pharm.) / TTOT = mean breath duration (rmed.) / TTP = thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura / TTR = time in therapeutic range (anticoagulation management) / TTS = temporary threshold shift (hearing) / ttt; TTT (FR medical shorthand) see Rx / TUBA = troubles urinaires du bas appareil see LUTS / tubage = intubation / tubaire = tubal / tubaire graviditeit = tubal pregnancy; Fallopian pregnancy (type of ectopic pregnancy or extrauterine pregnancy) / tube rénal; tube urinaire; tube urinifère = renal tubule; uriniferous tubule / Tubendurchblasung = pertubation (gyn.) / Union Internationale contre la Tuberculose = International Union against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease / Tuberkel = tubercle / tuberkelbacil = Koch's bacillus; tubercle bacillus / Tuberkulum see Tuberkel / grosse tubérosité gastrique = gastric fundus; fundus ventricularis; large end of stomach / petite tubérosité gastrique = pyloric antrum; antrum pyloricum; small end of stomach / "tuiten" = tinnitus; ringing in the ears / Tumorloge = tumour focus (focal point within tissue of the wider tumour bed) / Tumorbett = tumour bed / TUNA = transurethral needle ablation (urology) / Tunga penetrans = jigger; chigoe; sand flea / Tungiase = tungiasis (infestation with Tunga penetrans) / tunique musculaire = muscular tunic; tunica muscularis / tunnelisateur = tunneller; tunnelling device (surg.) / Tüpfelzellen = stippled cells (blood) / Tupfer = swab / Tupfpräparat = touch preparation; impression smear; imprint (cytol.) / tuphos = typhoid state / TURP = transurethral resection of the prostate / turbidimeter / turbo-capteur® = cyclone separator; unconfirmed, but probably French trade name (dust sampling) / Türkensattel = sella turcica / tussengastheer = intermediate host (parasites) / tussenhersenen see diëncefalon / tussenweefsel = interstitial tissue; stroma / tussenweefselschijf = articular disc / tussenwervelschijf = intervertebral disc / TV = 1. tidal volume (VT; volume of gas inspired and expired at rest during one respiratory cycle; the size of each breath, = ventilation; normal value ± 500 ml; 50-60% of vital capacity) (rmed.); 2. toucher vaginal see toucher / TVF = tactile vocal fremitus (rmed.) / TVS = transvaginal sonography (gyn.) / TWA = time-weighted average (OSH) / twaalfvingerige darm = duodenum / tweeeiig = dizygotic (twin) / tweeslippig = bicuspid (heart valve e.g.) / Tx = 1. treatment; 2. transplant; transplantation / tyfus see typhoid / tympanum = tympanic cavity; middle ear / typhique = typhoid (adj.) / typhoid; typhoid fever; typhus abdominalis = by ingestion of food contaminated by Salmonella typhi, see also typhus / typhus; typhus fever = by bites of Rickettsiae (fleas, lice, ticks). NB: confusingly, in other languages, terms which look like typhus - tyfus (NL), Typhus (D) - mean typhoid.) / Typhusschutzimpfung = typhoid vaccination /

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