Abbreviations &Acronyms Glossary

Page A    Dutch, English, French, German

FIELDS COVERED: European Union & international affairs, social affairs, development, education, transport (including a fair amount of EU jargon). NB abbreviations ONLY, with minimal notes...
For abbreviations in medicine, chemistry, toxicology and related fields please see my Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols and my Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection (these overlap to some extent). 

I also have a number of other online glossaries:
Glossary of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Science, Plant Health & Veterinary Science 
Glossary: EU & International Affairs
Bird Flu Glossary
Glossary of Social Security, Health Insurance & Pensions
Glossary of World Customs & International Trade
Glossary: The Bundestag in English
Glossary of French slang & idioms

I offer them all "as is" and comments or suggestions are welcome to Alison Gaunt.
For my HOMEPAGE click here!

Key to sources & references
AU Austria / B Belgium /
CH Switzerland / CoE Council of Europe / D Germany / ECOM European Commission / EP European Parliament / EU European Union / Eurostat Statistical office of the European Communities / FR France / G&C Gunston & Corner's Ger.-Eng. Glossary of Financial & Economic Terms / ILO International Labour Office / Lx Luxembourg / NL Netherlands / NS New Scientist / WCO World Customs Organisation / WTO World Trade Organisation
Other notes in italics

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AAE Agence d'Approvisionnement EURATOM = Euratom Supply Agency (no EN abbrev.)
AAMS Associated African and Malagasy States
AAS atomic absorption spectrometry
ABC-Waffen Atom-, biologische und chemische Waffen = NBC weapons q.v.
ABM Arbeitsbeschaffungsmaßnahmen (D) = (suggest) job creation measures
ABS anti-lock braking system (automotive)
ABU code (NL) a Dutch anti-discrimination code of conduct for employment agencies
ACC Administrative Committee on Coordination (UN)
Association for the Conservation of Energy (UK)
ACF Action Contre La Faim
= Action Against Hunger (an NGO)
ACI Alliance Coopérative Internationale = ICA q.v.
ACLU American Civil Liberties Union
ACORD Advisory Council on Research and Development for Fuel and Power (UK: Dept. of Energy)
ACP Africa, Caribbean and Pacific countries (signatories to the Lomé Convention(s) concluded with the EU)
ACPC Advisory Committee on Procurements and Contracts (EU: NB not Consultative Committee on Purchases Contracts as per Eurodicautom)
ACS i. Afrika, Caribisch gebied en de Stille Zuidsee = ACP q.v.
ACS ii. Association of Caribbean States
ACU Administration of the Customs Union (EU)
ADC analog to digital converter (computers)
ADE Association du Développement de l'Enfant (? F)
ADL ambassade de démocratie locale = LDE q.v.
ADNs amounts deemed necessary (EU budgets)
ADPIC (Accord sur les) aspects des droits de la propriété intellectuelle qui touchent au commerce = TRIPS q.v.
ADR The "European Agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road", 30/9/57
ADV analog-digitalverarbeitung = ADP analog/digital processing (IT)
ADV arbeidsduurverkorting (NL), e.g. 'ADV-dagen'
AED atomic emission detection
AELE Association de Libre-Echange Européen = EFTA q.v.
AEN Agence pour l'Énergie Nucléaire = NEA q.v.
AERES Association européenne pour la promotion de la recherche technique en sidérurgie
AET Arbeitswissenschaftliches Erhebungsverfahren zur Tätigkeitsanalyse
= ? work study survey method of job analysis
AETR average effective tax rate
AEUV Vertrag über die Arbeitsweise der Europäischen Union = TFEU q.v.
AFEAMA Aide à la Famille pour l'Emploi d'une Assistance Maternelle agréée = family assistance for employment of an approved child minder (FR)
AFPA i. Association pour la formation professionelle accélérée (FR)
AFPA ii. Association pour la formation professionelle des adultes (FR)
AFTA ASEAN Free Trade Area (planned for 2008)
Association française des volontaires du progrès (French NGO)
A/G arithmetic/geometric (ratio; geology)
AGB Allgemeine Geschäftsbedingungen (D) = General Terms of Business
AGCS = Accord général sur le commerce des services = GATS q.v.
AGR advanced gas-cooled reactor
AHOI Actieplan Hogescholen op Internet (B) = (suggest) Action Plan for Colleges on the Internet
AHV Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung = Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance (CH)
AI i. Amnesty International (human rights NGO, founded UK 1961by Peter Benenson)
AI ii. artificial intelligence
AIBT Association of International Banks and Trust Companies (Bahamas)
AICE Action Internationale contre la Faim = International Action Against Hunger (now ACF q.v.)
AID i. Agence internationale de développement (UN) = IDA q.v.
AID ii. automatic interaction detector
AIDN Association Internationale du Droit Nucléaire = INLA q.v.
AIEA Agence internationale de l'énergie atomique = IAEA q.v.
AIP Association Internationale des Procureurs = IAP q.v.
AIPM = actions d'intérêt public mondial = world public service (Rotary International)
AISS Association internationale de la Sécurité sociale = ISSA q.v.
AIT Association internationale du Transport = International Transport Association
ALE agences locales pour l'emploi (B; 1994)
ALENA Accord de Libre-Echange Nord-Américain = NAFTA q.v.
AMAP association pour le maintien d'une agriculture paysanne = community-based agriculture (group)
AME accord multilatéral sur l'environnement = multilateral agreement on the environment
AMfG Arbeitsförderungsgesetz (AU)
AMI accord multilatéral sur l'investissement = MAI q.v.
AMK Agro-Milieukeurmerk (NL) = (suggest) ?
AMS Arbeitsmarktservice (AU) employment service
AMU i. Arab Maghreb Union
AMU ii.
atomic mass unit (phys.)
ANCOVA analysis of covariance (stat.)
ANDRA Agence Nationale des Déchets Radioactifs (FR)
ANOVA analysis of variance (stat.)
ANSI American National Standards Institute
AO i. Abgabenordnung (D) = Tax Code
A&O ii. (fonds) Arbeidsmarkt en opleidingsfonds (NL)
AOC Afrique de l'Ouest et du Centre = West and Central Africa
AOSIS Alliance of Small Island States (world climate)
APAINDE International Parliamentary Assembly for Democracy
APATASI Airport Air Traffic Systems Interface
APB i. all-points bulletin (police alert, esp. USA, Canada)
APB ii. avant-propos de budget = PDB q.v.
APE accord de parténariat européen = EPA q.v.
APEC Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation Forum (17 members incl. US, China, Japan, Canada)
APES Accord Partiel Élargi sur le Sport = EPAS q.v.
APHD Asian Partnership for Human Development
API American Petroleum Institute
APM anti-personnel mine
APME Association of Plastics Manufacturers in Europe (based Brussels)
APR Asylum Procedure Regulation (EU)
APS Algmeen Preferentieel Systeem; Allgemeines Präferenzensystem = GSP q.v.
ARC action de recherche concertée, q.v.
ARFM air traffic flow management
ARGO Autonome Raad van het Gemeenschapsonderwijs (B) = (suggest) Independent Council for Community Education
ARIPO African Regional Industrial Property Organisation (formed 1976, based Zimbabwe; has an "Administrative Council")
ARYM ancienne république yougoslave de Macédoine see FYRM
a.s. (NL) = next
ASARECA Association for Strengthening Agricultural Research in Eastern and Central Africa
asb apostilb
ASM airspace management
ASTA Administration des Services Techniques de l'Agriculture (Lx) = (suggest) Technical Services Department for Agriculture
ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials
ASV i. anodic stripping voltametry
ASV ii. Atomsperrvertrag; Atomwaffensperrvertrag (Vertrag über die Nichtverbreitung von Kernwaffen) = NPT q.v.
AT Assistance Technique = Technical Assistance (EU: development)
ATA Admission Temporaire / Temporary Admission (ATA Carnet; Convention 1956) (WCO)
ata (D) atmosphere absolute, atm. abs.
ATC air traffic control
ATEE Association of Teacher Education in Europe
ATS Austrian Schilling(s)
atü (D) atmosphere gauge, atm. Gauge
AU arbitrary units
AUVA Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt = Austrian Workers' Compensation Board (source: govt. website)
AVE ad valorem equivalent (trade)
AVGAS aviation gasoline
AVGB Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming, see GDPR
AVID = Arbeitskreis für veterinärmedizinische Infektionsdiagnostik (DE)
anti-vehicle mine
AVS Assurance Vieillesse et Survivants = AHV q.v.
AVTS allocation aux vieux travailleurs salariés = allowance for elderly employed persons (FR)
Avus Automobil-, Verkehrs- und Übungsstraße
AWR Algemeen Wet Rijksbelastingen
= (suggest) General Federal Taxes Act (NL)
AWTF Ausschuß für Wissenschaftliche und Technische Forschung
= STR Committee
AWTID Ausschuß für Wissenschaftliche und Technische Information und Dokumentation see STID
AZ Aktenzeichen = file number
Azapo Anzanian People's Organisation (South Africa)

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 22 February 2025        
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