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F r e n c h / G e r m a n | E n gl i s h | N o t e s |
abhängige Beschäftigung | employment; payroll employment | (as opposed to self-employment) |
adhérent | enrolee | (pension or health care plan) |
affection de longue durée (ALD) | long-term (medical) condition | |
allgemeine Ortskrankenkasse (AOK) | local health insurance fund | |
allocation adulte handicapé (AAH) | disability living allowance | |
allocations pour perte de gain (APG) | allowances for loss of earned income | (CH) |
Alters- und Hinterlassenenversicherung (AHV) | Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance | (CH) |
Altersteilzeit | part-time working for older employees | (they work 50%, either in continuous periods or in "blocks" of time) |
Altersgrenzenpolitik | policy on retirement age | |
Altersquotient | elderly dependency ratio | (proportion of pensioners to total working population) |
Altersvorsorge | retirement provision | |
Anrechnungszeiten | qualifying periods; periods credited; periods which count | |
antisélection | antiselection | (defined: "The tendency of persons presenting a poorer-than-average risk to apply for, or continue, insurance to a greater extent than persons with average or better-than-average expectations of loss. Also called adverse selection or selection against the insurer.") |
AOK Bundesverband | Federal Association of Local Health Insurance Funds | |
arbeitnehmerähnliche Selbstständige | self-employed persons with quasi-employee status | |
Arbeitsbeschaffungsmassnahmen (ABM) | job creation schemes | |
Arbeitsverhältnis | employment relationship | |
Arbeitszeitkonto | work time account | |
ascendants à charge | dependent parents and other relatives | |
assistante maternelle | childminder | |
Association Européenne des Institutions de Protection Sociale Paritaires (AEIP) | European Association of Paritarian Institutions of Social Protection (???) | (based Brussels) |
Association Internationale de la Sécurité Sociale (AISS) | International Social Security Association (ISSA) | (based Geneva) |
Association suisse des institutions de prévoyance (ASIP) | Swiss Pension Funds Association | |
assurance maladie complémentaire de base (AMCB) | "basic" complementary health insurance | |
assurance maladie obligatoire (AMO) | mandatory health insurance | |
Assurance Vieillesse et Survivants (AVS) | see AHV | |
ATP | Supplementary Earnings-Related Pension Scheme | ( |
atypique | "atypical" | (worker, employment) |
au premier euro (franc, etc) | no-excess | (insurance cover) |
aufstocken | top up | (contributions) |
Assurance vieillesse, survivants (AVS) | old-age and survivors' insurance | (CH) |
Basisversorgung | basic provision; subsistence provision | |
Beamtenversorgung | Civil Service Pension Scheme | |
bedarfsgeprüfte Leistung | means-tested benefit | |
Beitragsrendite | contribution yield | |
Berufliche Vorsorgegesetz (BVG) | Occupational Pensions Act | (CH) |
Berufsgenossenschaft (BG) | occupational accident insurance fund | |
Berufsgenossenschaft Nahrungsmittel und Gastgewerbe (BGN) | Occupational Accident Insurance Fund for the Food and Hospitality Industry | (suggest) |
beschäftigungspolitische Leitlinien | see Guidelines for Employment | (EU) |
bestandserhaltender Niveau | 1. sustainable level 2. replacement rate |
economic growth 2. population |
betriebliche Altersversorgung (baV) | occupational pensions | (as concept) |
Betriebskrankenkasse (BKK) | company health insurance fund | |
Association of Company Health Insurance Funds
(superseded Jan. 2013 by the BKK Dachverband) |
Dachverband (BKK DV)
Association of Company Health Insurance
(suggested translation: from 2013 represents all German BKKs ) |
Blockmodell | block release mode | (training, "Altersteilzeit") |
Bruttoanpassung | calculation based on gross earnings | (of pension) |
Bruttorentenniveau | gross pension replacement rate | |
Bundesamt für Sozialversicherung (BSV) | Federal Social Insurance Office | (CH) |
Bundesanstalt für Arbeit (BA; BfA) | Federal Employment Service | |
Bundeselterngeld- und Elternzeitgesetz (BEEG) | Federal Parental Benefit and Parental Leave Act | (from 2007) |
Bundesgesetz über die Invalidenversicherung (IVG) | see LAI | (CH) |
Bundesgesetz über die Krankenversicherung (KVG) | see LAmal | (CH) |
Bundesversicherungsamt (BVA) | Federal Insurance Office | |
Bundesversicherungsanstalt für Angestellte (BfA) | Federal Insurance Institute for Salaried Employees | |
Bureau International du Travail (BIT) | see International Labour Office | |
Bürgerentlastungsgesetz | 'Citizens' Relief Act' | Law on Improved Tax Deductions for Social Insurance Contributions |
Bürgerversicherung | universal insurance | |
Caisse (nationale) des allocations familiales | (National) Family Allowances Fund | |
capitalisation, fonds de | 1. capital appreciation fund 2. cash accumulation fund |
1. pensions 2. insurance |
capitalisation, régime en | see Kapitaldeckungsverfahren | |
carte européenne d'assurance maladie | see EHIC | |
complément de libre choix d’activité | supplement to finance time off work | |
complément de libre choix du mode de garde | supplement for the purchase of childcare | |
compression d’effectifs | (staff) retrenchment; staff cuts | |
concubin | cohabiting partner | |
contrat d'adhésion | contract of enrolment | (pensions) |
contrat collectif d’entreprise | employer-sponsored group contract | |
contrat au forfait | managed care (plan) | (health care) |
contributions d’ouverture de droit (COD) | qualifying contributions | |
couverture d'entreprise | employer-sponsored cover | (insurance, group polices e.g.) |
couverture maladie généralisée (CMG) | general health cover | |
couverture de maladie universelle (CMU) | universal health cover | |
déduction de coordination | "coordination deduction" | (that portion of salary which does not have to be insured under the LPP/BVG (effectively = the maximum statutory retirement pension) (CH) |
délai d'acquisition | vesting period | (length of time in pension scheme before member acquires any rights) |
dépassements d’honoraires | amount charged by sector 2 (private) physicians in excess of the rate reimbursed by social security; the jargon seems to talk about "balance billing, to balance-bill"… | |
dépermanisation | switch (change, move) from permanent to non-permanent employment | |
déremboursement | removal (of items) from the reimbursable list | (of charges for health care: suggested translation) |
Deutsche Gesetzliche Unfallversicherung (DGUV) | German Statutory Accident Insurance | |
Deutscher Gewerkschaftsbund (DGB) | German Trade Union Federation | |
Deutsches Netzwerk für Betriebiche Gesundheitsförderung (DNBGF) | German Network for Workplace Health Promotion | |
Deutsche Rentenversicherung | see DRV | |
Directive 98/49/CE du Conseil, du 29 juin 1998, relative à la sauvegarde des droits à pension complémentaire des travailleurs salariés et non-salariés qui se déplacent à l'intérieur de la Communauté | Council Directive 98/49/EC of 29 June 1998 on safeguarding the supplementary pension rights of employed and self-employed persons moving within the Community | (EU) |
Direktversicherung | direct insurance | |
diskontinuierlich | "discontinuous"; irregular | (employment) |
DRV (Deutsche Rentenversicherung) | German Pension Insurance | (the statutory scheme) |
DRV Bund
Pension Insurance Federal Institution
(the national agency since 2005, formed by amalgamation of the BfA and VDR); system is administered centrally and at Land level, so e.g. DRV Schwaben “German Pension Insurance Swabia” |
Pension Insurance Institution for Miners, Railway Workers and Seamen
Datenstelle der Rentenversicherung (DSRV) | Data Processing Centre of the German pension insurance institutions | (administered by DRV Bund) |
Durchführungsweg | (pension financing) vehicle | |
EHIC | European Health Insurance Card | ("smart" card, replaced old paper E111) |
"Eingliederung vor Rente" | see "Rehabilitation vor Rente" | |
Eingliederungszuschuss | integration subsidy | |
EFRP | European Federation for Retirement Provision | (based Brussels) |
einschichtig | single-pillar | (pension system) |
Elterngeld | parental benefit | |
Elternzeit | paraental leave | |
emploi de droit commun | "real" job | |
Entgeldsicherung | net wage guarantee | |
Entgeltumwandlung | "deferred compensation" | (right to have part of earnings paid into a pension by employer) |
Ersatzkassen | “substitute funds” | (originally designed for white-collar higher earners, distinguished from “primary” funds for blue-collar workers) |
Ersatzzeit | notional period | (contributions not paid, whilst ill, unemployed etc.) but credited as if paid) |
Erstattungsbetragsverhandlung (EBV) | reimbursement price negotiation | (with health insurer) |
Erwerbsbiographie | 1. employment record 2. (pension) contribution record |
Erwerbsersatz | see "allocations pour perte de gain" (APG) | |
Erwerbsgesellschaft | work society | |
Erwerbsquote | employment ratio | |
Erziehungsgeld | child-raising benefit | |
médico-social ( |
a "home" | (formerly an old-people's home, now any facility providing institutional care – named in the LAMal) (CH) |
Europäische Krankenversicherungskarte |
see EHIC | |
fidélisation | 1. staff retention 2. loyalty |
l. policy 2. bonus e.g. |
fiscaliseren | to give (a social benefit( as a tax credit | (NL) |
fondation collective de prévoyance | group pension scheme | (CH) |
fonds de réserve des retraites | retirement reserve fund | |
forfait hospitalier | inpatient per diem | |
Forum européen des pensions | European Pensions Forum | (EU) |
Forum européen de santé | European Health Forum | (EU) |
frais en nature | in-kind costs | |
franchise | deductible; excess | (insurance) |
"50plus – die können es!" | "We’re 50 plus – YOU need US!" | (Bundesanstalt für Arbeit programme: suggested translation) |
gemeinschaftliche Verrechnung | 1. (social/community) risk-pooling 2. community financing |
1. concept 2. concept or action |
Gemeinschaftsfonds | community fund | (health insurance: by analogy with the concept of "community financing") |
Generationenvertrag | contract between the generations | (i.e. we fund our parents' retirement in the expectation that our children will fund ours) |
geringfügige Beschäftigung | "little" job(s) | |
Gesellschaft für empirische soziologische Forschung e.V. | Association for Empirical Sociological Research | (suggested translation) |
Gesellschaft für Reha-Wissenschaften e.V. (GfR) | Association for Rehabilitation Science | |
Gesellschaft für Versicherungswissenschaft e.V. (GVG) | Association for Social Insurance Research and Policy | |
Gesetz zum Erziehungsgeld und zum Erziehungsurlaub (Bundeserziehungsgeldgesetz – BErzGG) | Federal Act on Child-Raising Allowances and Parental Leave | In 2004 Erziehungsurlaub was replaced by Elternzeit, EN title ?“Federal Child-Raising Allowances Act”. From 2007 see"BEEG" |
zur Organisationsreform in der gesetzlichen
Rentenversicherung (RVOrgG) |
Statutory Pension Insurance Reform Act | (2004) |
Gesetzliche Krankenversicherung (GKV) | statutory health insurance | |
Association of Statutory Health Insurance Funds
Gesetzliche Rentenversicherung (GRV) | statutory pension insurance; statutory pension scheme | |
Grundsicherung | 1. basic provision; basic cover 2. basic pension |
1. concept 2. scheme |
Hauptverband der österreichischen Sozialversicherungsträger | Federation of Austrian Social Insurance Institutions | (AU) |
Haute Autorité de Santé | Health Authority | |
Haut Comité de la Santé Publique | Public Health Committee | |
HMO | health maintenance organisation | (managed care in |
impôt négatif | tax credit | |
impotent, allocation pour | care allowance | (for special needs children, the elderly, etc.) (CH) |
indemnité journalière | per diem benefit | (health insurance) |
IPA | independent practice association | (a
practice able to conclude
contracts with more than one HMO and
also treat group or private
patients) ( |
"indigent valide" | the "healthy poor" | (19th century concept) |
Individualkonto | personal savings account | (health insurance) |
informations nominatives | named-patient information | |
Innungskrankenkasse (IKK) | guild health insurance fund | |
Institut für Arbeitsmarkt- und Berufsforschung (IAB) | Institute for Employment Researc | |
Institution paritaire européenne de protection sociale ??? | Joint European Institution for Social Protection | (suggested translation) |
institution de retraite professionnelle (IRP) | institution for retirement provision | |
interentreprise | multi-employer | (pension plan e.g.) |
Internationales Arbeitsamt (IAB) | International Labour Office (ILO) | (based Geneva; acts as secretariat for the International Labour Organisation) |
Internationale Arbeitsorganisation (IAO or ILO) | International Labour Organisation (ILO) | (based Geneva) |
Internationale Vereinigung für Soziale Sicherheit (IVSS) | International Social Security Association (ISSA) | (based Geneva) |
interprofessionnel | multi-sector | (agreements on pensions, e.g.) |
Kapitaldeckungsverfahren (KDV) |
funded scheme; money-purchase scheme; personal pension | (pensions: the contributor pays into a "pot" which is for him alone. Thus he benefits in direct proportion to what he has paid in; none of the capital goes towards funding anyone else. It is in effect a "private" pension. Contrast Umlagefinanzierungsverfahren) |
Kindergeld | child benefit | |
Koordinationsabzug | ||
gegen Kostenerstattung |
using the mechanism of reimbursement | (of healthcare costs, as opposed to the provision of services billed direct to the insurer) |
Krankenversicherungsbeitragsanteil-Ermittlungsverordnung (KVBEVO | Order on the calculation of partial relief on health insurance contributions | |
ländliche genossenschaftliche medizinische Betreuung (LGMB) | rural cooperative medical scheme or system (RCMS) | (China) |
Leiharbeit | temporary work; agency work | (governed by the Arbeitenehmerüberlassungsgesetz ANÜG; often syn. with "Zeitarbeit") |
Leistung und Gegenleistung | performance and counterconsideration | |
Lignes directrices pour l'emploi | Guidelines for employment | (decreed at Luxembourg European Council on employment of 20-21 November 1997; formalised in Article 109q of the Amsterdam Treaty) (EU) |
Loi fédérale sur l’assurance-invalidité (LAI) | Federal Invalidity Insurance Act | (CH) |
Loi fédérale sur l’assurance-maladie (LAMal) | Federal Health Insurance Act | (CH) |
Loi fédérale sur la prévoyance professionnelle (LPP) | see BVG | |
loi de financement de la sécurité sociale pour l’année [x] | Social Security Funding Act for [year x] | |
Mannheimer Forschungsinstitut für Ökonomie und demographischen Wandel (MEA) | Mannheim Research Institute for the Economics of Aging | (German uses the EN acronym) |
mehrschichtig | multi-pillar | (pension system) |
méthode ouvert de coopération (MOC) | open cooperation method | (EU) |
Ministère de la Santé, de la Famille et des Personnes Handicapées | Ministry of Health, Family and People with Disabiliti | |
mobilité | switching | (between insurers) |
mutualisation du risque | risk pooling | (insurance) |
mutualité européenne | European mutual society | (EU) |
nachrangig | second-tier | (benefit) |
Nationalforschungsprogramm (NFP) | National Research Programme | (CH) |
Nettoanpassung | calculation based on net earnings | (of pension) |
Nettorentenniveau | net pension level | |
nomadisme médical | "doctor-shopping" | (FR
definition: "recours consécutif à
médecins". NB not the same as "medical tourism" which means going abroad to get treatment. "Medical nomadism" is translation-ese from FR texts.) |
obligation alimentaire | (obligation to pay) maintenance | |
œuvre sociale | social undertakings | (various services traditionally provided by the mutuelles, not the same as social security or welfare) |
Office federal des assurances sociales (OFAS) |
see BSV |
(CH) |
Organisation autonome nationale de l’industrie et du commerce (ORGANIC) |
National independent organisation for trade and industry |
(to Jan. 2006, superseded by the RSI) |
Organisation internationale du travail (OIT) | see International Labour Organisation | |
organisme complémentaire d’assurance maladie (OCAM) | private complementary health insurer | |
paiement à l'acte | fee-for-service | (health care remuneration) |
parcours de retour au travail | pathways back to work | |
passager clandestin | free rider | |
pension de réversion | survivor's pension; widow's pension | |
périodes validées | qualifying periods | (contributions) |
"pillars" | (pensions: 1st pillar = state scheme; 2nd pillar = occupational schemes; 3rd pillar = personal pensions) CHECK? | |
d’épargne interentreprises ( |
multi-employer savings plan | |
plan partenarial d’épargne salariale volontaire (PPESV) | voluntary partnership plan for employee savings | (FR, introduced 19/2/01, superseded by PPESVR) |
plan partenarial d’épargne salariale volontaire retraite (PPESVR) | voluntary partnership plan for employee retirement savings | (introduced 21/8/03) |
portabilité des droits | portability of entitlements | |
PPO | preferred provider organization | ( |
précarité | medical indigence | (no insurance) |
au premier euro | reimbursement "from the first euro" | (of medical costs) |
la prestation d’accueil du jeune enfant (PAJE) | young children’s early days benefit | |
prévoyance | provident insurance | (defined as insurance of all social risks: death, maternity, illness/disability, unemployment, long-term care) |
prime à la naissance | childbirth payment | |
Programme national de recherche (PNR) |
see NFP |
"la réadaptation prime la rente" | see Rehabilitation vor Rente | |
recouvrement | collection | (of contributions, e.g.) |
Regelaltersrente | standard old age pension | |
Regelbedarf | standard subsistence requirement | Words beginning with Regel- (Regelleistung, Regelsatz) refer to this requirement and the benefits paid |
Régime social des indépendants (RSI) | Self-employment insurance scheme | (2006-2018; suggested translation) |
Règlement (CEE) n° 1408/71 du Conseil, du 14 juin 1971, relatif à l'application des régimes de sécurité sociale aux travailleurs salariés et à leur famille qui se déplacent à l'intérieur de la Communauté | Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 of the Council of 14 June 1971 on the application of social security schemes to employed persons and their families moving within the Community | (EU) |
regulär | normal | (retirement age) |
"Rehabilitation vor Rente" | "rehabilitation, with pension as last resort" | (a specifically Swiss catchphrase) (CH) |
rente | If necessary to distinguish it from a retirement pension (occupational accident e.g.), call it an 'annuity' | |
Rentenversicherung | pension(s) insurance; retirement insurance; old age insurance | |
Rentenversicherungs-Altersanpassungsgesetz (RVAGAnpG) | Retirement Age Adjustment Act | (20 April 2007) |
répartition, régime en | see Umlagefinanzierungsverfahren | |
Réseau international des contrôleurs et surveillants de pensions (INPRS) | (OECD) | |
résident de manière stable et régulière | habitually resident; normally resident | (eligibility for benefits) |
ressources | means | |
sur des conditions de ressources
to means-test
retraite chapeau | top-up pension scheme | |
revenu minimum d’activité (RMA) | minimum employment income | (adjunct to RMI, 2004) |
revenu minimum d'insertion (RMI) | minimum income support; | |
revenus de remplacement | pensions and benefits | |
Richtlinie 98/49/EG des Rates vom 29. Juni 1998 zur Wahrung ergänzender Rentenansprüche von Arbeitnehmern und Selbständigen, die innerhalb der Europäischen Gemeinschaft zu- und abwandern | see Council Directive 98/49/EC | (EU) |
risque moral aléa mora | moral hazard | |
risque moral de
première espèce
ex ante moral hazard
moral de
deuxième espèce
ex post moral hazard
Sachverständigenrat | Council of Economic Experts | |
"Scheinselbständige" | quasi self-employed persons | |
Schweizerischer Pensionskassenverband | see ASIP | (German-speaking |
Selbstbeteiligung | co-payment | (health insurance) |
Selbstverwaltungsorgane | self-governing bodies | (health insurance funds) |
Smet: "emploi Smet" | "Smet jobs" | (subsidised employment, named after Belgian MEP) |
soins prépayés | repaid care | |
sous condition de ressources | if income is below a specified ceiling | (eligibility for various benefits) |
Sozialbeirat | Social Advisory Council | |
sozialer Ausgleich | social equalisation | |
Sozialhilfe | social assistance | |
soziale Mindessicherung | minimum social security | |
der Sozialversicherungspflicht unterliegen | to be contributory | (employment e.g.) |
steuerlich | given as a tax credit | (benefit) |
Strukturanpassungsmaßnahme (SAM) | structural adjustment measure | |
surobligatoire, domaine | (excess part of insurance, e.g. optional private insurance on top of statutory basic cover) (CH) | |
taux de sécurité démarchandisée (TSD) | decommodified security ratio (DSR) | (Georges Menahem) |
à taux bonifiés | concessionary-interest | (loans) |
ticket modérateur | co-payment; patient's out-of-pocket expenses | (patient's share of health costs not reimbursed by social security or other health insurer) |
ticket modérateur d'ordre publique (TMOP) | A ticket modérateur not allowed by law to be reimbursed by any (private) provider at all (the idea being that allowing this would encourage excessive take-up of health costs and push up total health spending, whilst making the patient pay some out-of-pocket expenses makes him show "solidarity" with the state system.) | |
tiers payant |
(system of) direct settlement | FR defined: système de remboursement accepté par les professionnels de santé (hôpitaux, pharmacies, centres de soins…) qui évite aux adhérents de faire l’avance totale ou partielle des frais de santé |
Träger | provider | (of insurance, pension) |
traitement indiciaire | grade-related salary (civil service e.g.); reference salary | |
Transferleistungen ("Transferleistungen
sind direkt vom Staat gezahlte Sozialleistungen, ohne dass
dafür vorab Beiträge gezahlt oder andere
Gegenleistungen erbracht worden wären. Im Gegensatz dazu gibt es Sozialleistungen, die von der Sozialversicherung auf Grund gezahlter Beiträge gewährt werden, z.B. Arbeitslosengeld, Krankengeld usw. Neben Sozialleistungen gibt es weitere Zahlungen des Staates an private Haushalte und Unternehmen, die so genannten Transfers, die das verfügbare Einkommen der Empfänger erhöhen (Kindergeld, Baugeld usw.)." |
universal benefits | |
überobligatorisch | see surobligatoire | |
Umlagefinanzierungsverfahren (ULV) | pay-as-you-go (PAYG) system | (social security: usually a state-run system, whereby statutory contributions paid by those in work are adjusted periodically to ensure a big enough "pot" to fund everybody, including non-contributors and those in need. System is problematic if unemployment is high and the population is ageing. Contrast Kapitaldeckungsverfahren (KDV) |
unstet | irregular | (employment) |
unterhaltsverpflichtete Kinder | Defined: children responsible in law for caring for e.g. an elderly parent. Old people often did not claim benefit (and were poor) because the law required these "children" to disclose their earnings.. (cf. "verschämte Armut".) | |
Verband Deutscher Rentenversicherungsträger (VDR) | Federation of German Pension Insurance Institutions | |
Verband der Ersatzkassen (vdek) | Health Insurance Alliance; Association of Substitute Health Funds | |
verbeitragt | credited | (pension contributions) |
Verordnung (EWG) Nr. 1408/71 des Rates vom 14. Juni 1971 zur Anwendung der Systeme der sozialen Sicherheit auf Arbeitnehmer und deren Familien, die innerhalb der Gemeinschaft zu- und abwandern | see Regulation (EEC) No 1408/71 | |
"verschämte Armut" | "the shamefaced poor" | |
Versicherungsbiographie | contribution record | |
versicherungsfremde Leistungen | non-pension benefit | |
Versicherungsjahre | contribution years | |
Versicherungslücken | gaps in contribution record | |
versicherungspflichtig | contributory | (employment) |
Verwaltngsberufsgenossenschaft (VBG) | Berufsgenossenschaft for Administrative Employees | (includes accident prevention) |
Vollzeitintensität | level of full-time work | |
vorrangig | higher-tier | (benefit) |
Vorsorge | see prévoyance | |
Wahltarif | health care package option | (state-run statutory health insurance scheme) |
Zeitarbeit | see Leiharbeit | |
Zinseszins | reinvested interest; reinvestment of interest | (in pension schemes; otherwise "compound interest") |
Zusatzrente | supplementary pension | |
Zusatztarif | (tariff for) top-up benefits | (private health insurance) |