Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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NOTE: German terms starting with "Z" may be in the glossary, but with an initial "C"...

= testis / zaadblaasje = seminal vesicle / zaadleider = vas deferens; seminal duct / zaadstreng = spermatic cord / zaadvocht = seminal fluid / Zaekum = caecum / Zahnbein = dentine / Zahnbelag see Zahnstein / Zahnfleischtasche = dental alveolus / Zahnpfeiler = abutment (metal connector screwed into post of an implant and then screwed or cemented to a crown; not same as Pfeilerzahn q.v.) (dent.) / Zahnstein = dental plaque; "tartar" / zandlopermaag = hourglass stomach / Zange = forceps (obstetrics e.g.) / Zäpfchen = uvula / Zapfenempfindlichkeit = cone sensitivity (ophthal.) / Zecke = tick (parasite) / zeefbeen = ethmoid bone / zeefbeencellen = ethmoid cells / Zehrflechte = lupus vulgaris; tuberculosis of the skin / Zeitextrapolation = exposure-duration extrapolation (tox.) / Zeitgeber = zeitgeber (lower case NB: "The regular day-night changes in tissues, physiologic functions and behaviour of organisms are based on endogenous rhythmic processes which under constant conditions continue with periods slightly deviating from 24h. These "circadian" rhythms have properties of self-sustained oscillators. Under natural conditions, circadian rhythms are synchronized (entrained) to 24 h by periodic factors in the environment, the so-called "zeitgebers". In the laboratory, circadian rhythms can also be entrained to periods other than 24h within certain limits..." (source: abstract of German paper, Excerpta Medica) / Zellatmung = cell respiration / Zellausläufer = pseudopodium (phagocytosis) / Zellschädigungspotential = cytotoxic potential / Zellstoffwechsel = intermediary metabolism / Zellteilungsrate = mitotic rate / zellvermittelt = cell-mediated / Zellvitalität = cell viability / Zellverband = cell cluster / zenuwbaan = nerve path / zenuwknoop = ganglion (nerves) / zerebral = neurological (symptoms) / Zerfall = (cell) death: "Dieser Befund (höherer Serum-Lysozymwert) wurde schon von früheren Untersuchungen gefunden und mit einem stärkeren Makrophagenzerfall bei den Silikotikern erklärt"; "Macrophages containing dust may die and liberate toxic substances that cause inflammation and fibrosis"; "Fibrosis develops as a result of phospholipid release from dead, dust-laden macrophages" / Zerfallsmaterial = cell debris; cell detritus / Zertrümmerungsbruch = comminuted fracture / Zervix see Gebärmutterhals / zesde ziekte see sixth disease / zetpil = suppository (pharm.) / zeugungsfähig = fertile / ZGG = Zehengrundgelenk, see MTP / Ziegenpeter = mumps / ziektebeeld = pathology; clinical picture; (pathological) condition / ziekelijk = pathological / ziekteverwekker = (infective e.g.) agent; pathogen; bacterium / ZIFT = zygote intrafallopian transfer (fertility) / Zinnoxydlunge = stannosis (rmed.) / zintuigfysiologie = aesthesiophysiology (the physiology of sensation and the sense organs) / Zipfel = cusp (heart valves e.g.) / "Zipperlein" = gout / Zirbeldrüse = pineal body; pineal gland; epiphysis cerebri / zitbeen = ischial bone; os ischii; ischium / Zitterlähmung, see Parkinson / Z.n. (also Zn, ZN or just Z) = Zustand nach, see S/P / ZNS = Zentralnervensystem see CNS / Zökum = caecum / zona = shingles; herpes zoster / zone donneuse = donor site (skin graft) / zone de prise = bed (skin graft) / zone réceptrice = recipient site (skin graft) / zonnesteek = sunstroke / zonnevlecht = solar plexus / Zotte see Chorionzotte / Zottenhaut = chorion / fysiologisch zout = physiological saline (usually just "saline") / ZPP = zinc protoporphyrin (tox.) / Zuckerharnruhr; Zuckerkrankheit = diabetes mellitus / Zuckermangelkrankheit = hypoglycaemia / Zuckerrohrlunge = bagassosis (rmed.) / Zufallsbefund = incidental finding / Zugang = portal (arthroscopy e.g.) / Zugmuskel = Muskel / zuigelingensterfte = infant mortality / zulassungsüberschreitende Anwendung = off-label use (of drug in clinical trial) / Zungenbändchen = frenulum of tongue / Zungenbein = hyoid bone; os hyoideum / sich zurückbilden = recede; disappear (symptoms) / zurückgebogen = retroflexed / zurückhaltend (as suffix) = -static / zusammenhängend = consolidated (areas of tissue in lung disease) / Zusatz = supplement (e.g. culture medium supplemented with antibiotics) Zusatzphage = supplementary phage (microbiol.) / zuurstofspanning = oxygen tension (rmed., blood gases) / beobachtendes Zuwarten; kontrolliertes Zuwarten see WW / ZVI = zerebrovaskulärer Insult, see CVA / zwachtel = dressing; bandage / zwam = fungus / Zwangsernährung = forced feeding; force-feeding / Zwangshaltung = forced posture (erg.) / "zwartkopje" = comedo; "blackhead" (derm.) / zweer = ulcer / zweigipfelig = dicrotic (pulse) / Zweiklassenmedizin = two-tier medicine / zweizipfelig = bicuspid (valve e.g.) / Zwerchfell = diaphragm (anat.) / Zwerchfellbruch = diaphragmatic hernia / Zwerchfellfurchen; Zwerchfellschnürfurchen = diaphragmatic furrows (furrowing) (of liver, typically in lung disease) / Zwergwuchs = dwarfism; nanism / zwevend (operating theatre instruments) = suspended (from ceiling to save space) / zwezerik = thymus / Zwischenhirn see diencephalon / Zwischenwirbelscheibe = interverterbal disc / Zwischenwirt = intermediate host (parasites) / Zwitter = hermaphrodite / Zwölffingerdarm = duodenum / Zwölffingerdarmgeschwür = duodenal ulcer / Zylinderepithel = columnar epithelium / Zystenlunge = honeycomb lung (rad./rmed.) / Zytotoxizität = cytotoxicity /

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