Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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W = Wistar (rats) (animal assays) / Wachszylinder = cylindrical casts; urinary casts / Wadenbein = fibula / Wahlarzt = private physician; private consultant. Contrast "Kassenarzt", who is registered with the Kassenärztliche Vereinigung  and thus an approved physician whose fees the health insurance funds will reimburse. The "Wahlarzt" is freely consulted by the patient, usually without any referral by another doctor (D) / Wahltarif = health care package option; chosen level of care (statutory health insurance scheme) (D) / Wahn = delusion; mania / wandelende nier; Wanderniere = wandering kidney; floating kidney; hypermobile kidney / wandluizen = Heteroptera / Wangenbein = cheekbone; os zygomaticum / Wangenbrand = noma / lumbosakrale Wanne = lumbosacral depression (anat.) / Wannenphänomen = locked facet joint; facet joint syndrome (cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine) / lumbosakrales Wannenphänomen = lumbosacral facet syndrome / WaR = Wassermannreaktion = Wassermann reaction (to W. test) / warfarin (anticoagulant: named after Wisconsin Alumni Research Foundation. The -arin suffix is from coumarin, of which warfarin is a synthetic derivative) / Wärmeanreicherung = elevated temperature enrichment (microbiol.) / Warzenfortsatz = mastoid process (anat.) / Wasserbruch = hydrocele / Wasserharnruhr = diabetes insipidus / Wasserhaushalt = fluid balance; water balance; water-electrolyte balance / Wasserkopf = hydrocephalus / Wasserkrebs = noma; gangrenous stomatitis; cancrum oris; cancer aquaticus; water cancer / Wasserpocken see Windpocken / Wassersackniere = hydronephrosis / Wassersucht = dropsy; oedema / Wässerung see Vorwässerung / waterbreuk see Wasserbruch / waterhuishouding see Wasserhaushalt / waterhoofd see Wasserkopf / waterkuur = hydrotherapy / "watering-can perineum" = multiple fistulas around the anus / waterpokken = chickenpox; varicella / waterzaknier = hydronephrosis / waterzucht = oedema / WB = Western blot (AIDS testing) / WBC = white blood cells; white blood cell count / WBE = Weißbroteinheit (syn. BE = Broteinheit) = bread exchange; bread unit (= 12g of carbohydrate, used esp. in diabetic nutrition) / WBV = whole-body vibration / WBV = whole-body vibration / Weberhusten = weaver's cough (rmed.) / Wechselfieber = 1. remittent fever (malaria e.g.); 2. relapsing fever; febris recurrrens (lice- or tick-borne) / Wechseljahre = menopause; climacteric; "change of life" (gyn.) / Wechselschnitt = gridiron incision (surg. pioneered by McBurney) / Wechseltierchen = amoeba / Weckaminen = amphetamines; stimulants; "pep pills" (narc.) / WEE = western equine encephalomyelitis (virus) / Wegextrapolation = route-to-route extrapolation (tox.: e.g. oral to inhalation) / wegteren = wasting / Wehen = contractions; "labour pains" (obst.): in chronological order these are: Schwangerschaftswehen = Braxton Hicks contractions (throughout pregnancy); Eröffnungswehen = contractions during first stage of labour; Preßwehen (Austreibungswehen) = contractions during second stage of labour; Nachgeburtswehen = contractions during third stage of labour; Nachwehen = afterpains / Weichgelkapsel = soft gelatin capsule; soft gel capsule (pharm.) / Weichstellen = soft tissue / weivlies = amnion (gyn.) / Weiße Pocken = whitepox, see Kaffernpocken / wekaminen see Weckaminen / wekedelenreuma = fibrositis; muscular rheumatism / Wellensittichzüchterlunge = canary breeder's lung, see Vogelhalterlunge/ werkkanaal = working channel (endoscope: central passage through a rigid endoscope) / wervelboog = vertebral arch / wervelgat = vertebral foramen / wervelkanaal = vertebral canal; spinal canal / wervelkolom see Wirbelsäule / wervellichaam = vertebral body / wervelverschuiving = spondylolisthesis / Wesensänderung; Wesensveränderung = personality change / WGH = Wundgranulationshormon / WGO = Weltgesundheitsorganisation; Wereldgezondheidsorganisatie see WHO / WHO = World Health Organization (based Geneva; NB always use the "z" spelling - this is its official title) / "widow maker" = stenosis of the LAD / Wiederauffindungsversuch = reproducibility test / Wiederbelebung = resuscitation / Wiederherstellungschirurgie = reconstructive surgery / wiegendood = "cot death"; SIDS / wiggebeen = sphenoid bone / wijnvlek = port-wine stain, see haemangioma / wilde cellen = rogue cells (cancer) / wilgentwijgfractuur = greenstick fracture; willow fracture / Wimpertierchen = Ciliophora; infusoria (obsol.) / Windei; Windmole = blighted ovum (gyn.) / Windpocken = chickenpox; varicella / Wirbel = 1. vertebra; 2. whorl (fingerprints) / Wirbelkanal see wervelkanaal / Wirbelkörper = vertebra (sing.); vertebrae (plur.) / Wirbelsäule = spinal column; spine; vertebral column / Wirbelsäulenverkrümmung = abnormal curvature of spine (abnormally increased kyphosis or lordosis; lateral deviation is scoliosis) / Wirbelspalt = spina bifida / Wirkort = site of effect (of drug) / Wirksamkeit = efficacy (pharm.)(defined: the maximum effect a drug can produce, regardless of dose; efficacy (vaccines) / Wirkstärke = potency (cells) / Wirkung = effectiveness (vaccines) / Wirkungsrisiko = risk of effect; RE / Wirkungsstärke = potency (pharm.)(defined: the amount of drug needed to produce a given effect; it is often quantified by the ED50 or EC50, which are respectively the drug dose or concentration that causes 50% of the maximum effect); not the same as Wirksamkeit, q.v.) / Wischtest = swab test; the material taken is "a swab" / Wischtupfer = wipe swab (microbiology) / wisselkoorts see Wechselfieber / wisseltransfusie = exchange transfusion (blood) / wissenschaftlich begründet = evidence-based (medicine) / witte vloed = vaginal discharge; leukorrhoea; fluor albus (gyn.) / WLST = withdrawal of life-sustaining therapy (or therapies) / WMA = World Medical Association / WNL = within normal limits / Wochenbettfieber (syn. Kinderbettfieber) = puerperal fever (gyn./obst.) / Wochenendsportler see Sonntagssportler / Wochenfluß = lochia (gyn./obst.) / woekerend = (rapidly) growing; spreading; proliferating / woekering = growth; tumour; neoplasm / "Wolf" = intertrigo / wolfskers (bot.) = deadly nightshade; Atropa belladonna / "wolfsmond"; "Wolfsrachen" = bilateral cleft lip; double harelip (with cleft of jaw and palate too) cheilognathopalatoschisis / wolkenschedel = cranial bossing; (frontal) bossing of the skull (rickets e.g.) / wolkig = ground-glass (opacity; obscuration) (rad./rmed.) / wolvet = lanolin (pharm.) / "wonderolie" = castor oil (pharm.) / wondkoorts = wound fever; traumatic fever / wondkramp see Wundstarrkrampf / wondpoeder = antiseptic powder (pharm.); wound powder (vet.) / wondroos see Wundrose / wondsperder = (wound) retractor (surg.) / wormmiddel = antihelminthic (pharm.) / wormvormig aanhangsel see Wurmfortsatz / wortelvlies = periodontium (dent.) / wP = whole-cell pertussis / WPW = Wolff Parkinson White (syndrome) / wrat = wart / WT = wild-type (mice) / wuchernd; wucherend see woekerend / Wucherung see woekering / Wulstbruch = torus fracture; buckle fracture / primäre Wundheilung = wound healing by first intention / sekundäre Wundheilung = wound healing by second intention; by granulation / Wundrose = traumatic erysipelas / Wundstarrkrampf = trismus; lockjaw (tetanus) / Würfelbein = cuboid bone; os cuboideum / Wurm = vermis (cerebelli) / Wurmfortsatz = vermiform appendix; appendix vermiformis, see also Blinddarm / Wurmfurche = vermicular sulcus (cerebellum) / Wurmkrankheiten = helminthic diseases / Wurzelfüßler = Rhizopoda / Wurzelhaut = periodontium (dent.) / WV = Wiedervorstellung = follow-up appointment / WW = watchful waiting (before e.g. surgery; synonym "active surveillance")

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