Glossary of Medical Terms, Abbreviations & Symbols
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= dextrose (e.g. D5 =sugar as 5% in normal saline) / DA = 1. diensthabender Arzt = duty physician; 2. domoic acid (Japanese "domoi", seaweed, cause of food poisoning); 3. dopamine / DAB = Deutsches Arzneibuch = (suggest) German Pharmacopoeia / DAEC = diffusely adherent E. coli (bacteriol.) / DAJ = dose admissible journalière see DJA / Damm = perineum / Dämmerungssehen = twilight vision; night vision / Dämmerzustand = twilight state; clouding of cosnciousness (epilepsy)  / Dämpfung = dullness (of heart and lung sounds, diminished resonance on percussion) / Dangerous Pathogens Advisory Group (UK) / DAP = diastolic arterial pressure (blood) / DAR = développé, assis, renversé (physiotherapy) / Darmbakterien = intestinal flora / darmbeen see Darmbein / Darmbein = iliac bone; os ilium / Darmbeinstachel = iliac spine / Darmbewegung = peristalsis / Darmbrand see NEC / hintere Darmbucht = hindgut / Darmeinlauf = enema; clyster / darmkronkel = volvulus / darmlis = intestinal loop / darmpathogen = enteropathogenic / darmpek = meconium / Darmsaft = intestinal juice; succus entericus / darmscheil = mesentery / darmsteen = intestinal calculus; enterolith / Darmverschluß = bowel obstruction; intestinal obstruction; ileus / Darmzotte = intestinal villus / Dasselfliege = gadfly / DAT = 1. dementia of the Alzheimer's type, synonym for Alzheimer's disease; 2. differential agglutination titration; 3. dispensaire antituberculeux; / Dattelgeschwür = cutaneous leishmaniasis; oriental boil (by Leishmania tropica) / Dauerausscheider = carrier / Dauerkatheter = indwelling catheter / dauwworm = infantile eczema; atopic dermatitis / davier = dental forceps / DBA = Diamond-Blackfan anaemia / DBD = donor after brain death / DBTL = double-balloon triple-lumen (catheter) / DC; D&C = dilatation and curettage (gyn.) / DCA = directional coronary atherectomy / DCD = 1. décédé = died; 2. donor after circulatory death (previously "donor after cardiac death") / DCF = depth correction factor (diving med.) / DCFI see CFI / DCI = dénominations communes internationales = International Nonproprietary Names (INN) (WHO) ; daily calorie intake / DCIS = ductal carcinoma in situ; duktales Carcinoma in situ (breast cancer) / DCL = démence à corps de Lewy, see LBDDCO = diffusion capacity of oxygen (rmed.) / DD = 1. décubitus dorsal; dorsal decubitus; see decubitus; 2. differential diagnosis / DDAC = donneur décédé par/après arrêt cardiaque/circulatoire, see DCD / DDC = des deux côtés = bilaterally, on both sides / ddC = dideoxycitidine (AIDS drugs: generic name zalcitabine; brand name Hivid) /DDH = developmental dysplasia of the hip (replaces obsolete term "CDH = congenital dislocation of the hip" / DDME = donneur décédé en état de mort encéphalique, see DBD / DE50 = dose efficace médiane, see ED50 / patient de novo = de novo patient (new to a drug trial, as against "roll-over patients" who have taken part in a previous one) / DEA = Drug Enforcement Administration (USA) / douleurs de deafférentation = deafferent pain / débâcle digestive see D & V / débile = feebleminded / débit cardiaque = cardiac output (symbol Q) / débit de dose = dose rate (tox.) / débit pulmonaire = airflow / débit systolique = stroke volume (card.) / débit urinaire = urinary output / débimétrie mictionnelle, débit urinaire = uroflowmetry / "déboîter" = dislocate / débridement = debridement (verb: to debride) / débris cellulaire = cellular debris / DEC = diethylcarbamazine citrate (antifilarial drug) / déchaussement dentaire = parodontal disease; parodontosis; spongy gums / déchirure musculaire = muscle tear / Deckknochen = membrane bone / Deckzellen = cover cells / déclencher = trigger / déclive (patient position): supine, with head lower than feet / décollement = undermining (skin graft) / décollé = detached (retina e.g.) / decompensatio cordis = cardiac decompensation / déconditionnement = aversion therapy (addictions) / déconfinement = relaxation, easing of lockdown (Covid-19) / décontraction = relaxation (muscle) / décontracturant = muscle relaxant / région découverte = exposed area (of body) / décrémentation; décrémenter = step-down; to step down (treatment of asthma e.g.) / decubitus (definition: lying down position: dorsal decubitus = lying on the back (supine); left lateral decubitus = lying on the left side; right lateral decubitus = lying on the right side; ventral decubitus = lying on the stomach (prone) / en dedans de = medial to; on the medial side of (anat.) / dédifférentiation = loss of differentiation (cells) / utérus dédoublé see didelphe / défaillance = functional insufficiency / besoin défécatoire see besoin d'aller aux selles / défense abdominale; défense musculaire = abdominal guarding; abdominal spasm; (momentary) abdominal rigidity (involuntary response to pain) / déficite immunautaire = immunodeficiency; immune deficiency / défrénation = (cardiac) denervation / dégagé = patent (medical imaging) / dégantage = de-gloving (skin graft) / degeneratie van het axon, die distaal begint = dying back (nerves) / dégénérescence = degeneration (tissues) / déglutition = (act of) swallowing / dégraissage; dégraisser = defatting; to defat (skin graft) / Dehnbarkeit = 1. elasticity; distensibility (elements of respiratory system generally); 2. compliance (lung): dynamische Dehnbarkeit = dynamic compliance; statische Dehnbarkeit = static compliance / en dehors de = lateral to; on the lateral side of (anat.) / déjections = faeces; dejecta / DEL = dose equivalent limit (rad.: mSv/yr) / Delhigeschwür see Dattelgeschwür / Dellwarze = molluscum contagiosum / DEM = 1. débit expiratoire maximal = forced expiratory flow (FEF) (rmed.); 2. dissociation électro-mécanique, see AESP and PEA (cardiol.) / démangeaisons = itching; pruritis / démaquillé (test, e.g.) = done with patient off medication, on current medication / démarche = gait / DEMM = débit expiratoire maximal moyen = maximum mid-expiratory flow (MMF; MMEF) (rmed.) / DEMS = débit expiratoire maximal seconde see FEV1 (rmed.) / dénatalité = falling birth rate; denatality / densité = profusion (number of small rounded opacities per unit area of lung) (rad./rmed.) / densité combinée = combined profusion (rad./rmed.) / dentelé = serrated / dentier = denture / dents en scie = saw-toothed, serrated (pattern on ECG tracing) / denture (FR) = dentition / dénutrition = nutritional deficiency; malnutrition / déontologie médicale = medical ethics; deontology / DEP = débit expiratoire maximum de pointe = peak expiratory flow (rate), see PEFR (rmed.) / dépassé = advanced (of disease) / Depersonalisationsgefühl = "spaced-out" feeling / dépistage = detection; screening; (epidem.)/ dépistage biologique humain = human (biological) monitoring / dépistage intensif localisé = surge testing (defined: increased testing for a disease in a specific location)(virology, Covid) / depotinjectie = slow-release injection / DEQM = Direction européenne de la qualité du médicament & soins de santé, see EDQM / DER = 1. dépense énergétique de repos, see REE; 2. daily energy requirement (nutrition) / dérivation = 1. shunt; 2. lead; electrode (ECG e.g.) / dermite ocre = statis dermatitis (brown discoloration on skin over congested veins) / dermografie = dermographism; dermatographism; dermatographia (allergies) / déroulement aortique = aortic enlargement / DES = drug-eluting stent (card.) / descente d'organes = prolapse (gyn.) / désépidermisation = de-epidermization / déshydratation = dehydration / désintoxification = detoxification; "drying out" (alcolholism) / désodé = low-sodium (diet) / desoxyribonucleïnzuur = deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) / détersion = debridement; cleansing (of wound) / détroit = (pelvic e.g.) strait / dévié = displaced (organ) / DEXA; DXA = dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (bone density) / Dexametason = dexamethasone (pharm.) / dextralité = right-handedness; dextrality (= right laterality: preferential use of right hand, foot, eye & other paired body organs) / DFM = dysplasie fibro-musculaire = fibrous dysplasia / DG = Darmgeräusch = bowel sound / DGHM = Deutsche Gesellschaft für Hygiene und Mikrobiologie = German Society for Hygiene and Microbiology / DGS = Direction générale de la santé = Directorate-General for Health (FR) / DHC = 1. ductus hepatocholedochus, see CBD; 2. ductus hepaticus communis, see CHD / DHEA = dehydroepiandrosteron / DI = détroit inférieur = inferior strait (pelvis) / diabète asymptomatique see diabète infraclinique / diabète bronzé = haemochromatosis; bronze diabetes; bronzed diabetes / diabète fruste = latent diabetes / diabète gras see diabète sucré / diabète infraclinique = subclinical diabetes / diabète patent = clinical diabetes / diabète sucré = diabetes mellitus (DM); "sugar diabetes" / diabète symptomatique see diabète patent / Diagnostisches und statistisches Manual psychischer Störungen, see DSM / diathese; diathèse = predisposition; diathesis / diazoréaction = Ehrlich's (diazo) reaction / DIBD = development international birth date, defined: "date of first approval (or authorisation) for conducting an interventional clinical trial in any country (see ICH-E2F Guideline, Volume 10 of the Rules Governing Medicinal Products in the EU)" (Source: EMA, see also IBD) / DIC = disseminated intravascular congestion / Dichteanhebung = opacification (rad./rmed.) / Dickdarm = large intestine; inestinum crassum / Dickdarmkrebs = colorectal cancer / dicklumig = large-lumen (catheter) / DID = diabète insulino-dépendant see IDD / utérus didelphe = didelphic uterus; uterus didelphys / diëncefalon; diencéphale; Dienzephalon = diencephalon; betweenbrain; interbrain; tweenbrain / diener (defined) = autopsy assistant (German word used in English) / diff = differential, see e.g. under blood count / différé = store-and-forward (method, system) (archiving and later transmission of archived data in telemedicine, as opposed to real-time transmission) / Differentialblutbild see full blood count / diffundieren = diffuse / diffuse reflectie = diffuse reflection (laser surgery) / capacité de diffusion; Diffusionskapazität = diffusing capacity, see DL and DLCO (rmed.: preferred syn. is "transfer factor") / digestif = gastrointestinal (e.g. tumour) / digitaliques = digitalis glycosides (card.) / Dignität = (defined) significance or behaviour of a tumour; whether it is benign or malignant (English has no single-word equivalent) / dijbeen = femur / dijbreuk = femoral hernia / dikke darm see Dickdarm / Dikrotie = dicrotism / dikvloeibaar = viscous / diluer à 10% = use a 1:10 dilution, dilute tenfold; dilute to 10% of original strength / DIL = 1. drain d’irrigation-lavage = 3-way catheter (1 lumen drains, 1 lumen irrigates, and balloon is inflated via the 3rd lumen); 2. drainage irrigation-lavage = lavage and drainage; washout and drainage (urol.) / DIOS = distal intestinal obstructive syndrome / diphenadione: an anticoagulant, used esp. systemically in livestock / Disabled Persons (Employment) Acts 1944 & 1958 (UK) / étude de la discrimination = discrimination analysis / disgrâce = blemish; deformity / disgracieux = unsightly / disloziert = displaced (NB not "dislocated", which is "luxiert") / disque basculant = tilting disc valve (aortic repair device) / disque jambier see ischio-jambier / dissociation du pouls: paraphrase needed, refers to the paradox of high temperature with low pulse rate in e.g. typhoid fever / Dissoziationskurve = dissociation curve (rmed.) / infection à distance = remote site infection, remote infection (contrast: surgical site infection) / distome = distoma (obsolete, see liver fluke) (parasite) / DITEPER = diphtérie, tétanos, coqueluche (pertussis) see DTP / dithizone auto analysis / DIU = dispositif intrautérin see IUD / diurèse = urine output (not diuresis which, in EN, means abornmally large urine output, polyuria) / geforceerde diurese = forced diuresis / DJA = dose journalière admissible see ADI  / DJD = degenerative joint disease (synonym: osteoarthritis) / DJT = dose journalière tolérable see TDI / DKA = diabetic ketoacidosis / DKFZ = Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum = German Cancer Research Centre (based Heidelberg) / DKPT = difterie, kinkhoest, poliomyelitis, tetanus = diphtheria, pertussis, poliomyelitis, tetanus / DL = 1. décubitus latéral = lateral decubitus; 2. dosis letalis = lethal dose (LD) / DL ; DLCO = (CO) diffusing capacity (preferred syn. TLCO = transfer factor)(rmed.) / DLD = décubitus latéral droit = right lateral decubitus / DLG = décubitus latéral gauche = left lateral decubitus / DLP = dose length product (in imaging) / DLR = digitale Lumineszenzradiographie, see CR 3. / DLT = double lung transplant / DLWD = diffuse lymphocytic, well differentiated (classification of lymphomas) / DM = 1. diabetes mellitus; 2. maximum permissible dose (MPD) / Dm = diffusing capacity of pulmonary membrane (rmed.) / DMARDs = disease-modifying drugs; "deemards" / DME (ophthalm.) see DMO / DMEM = Dulbecco MEM (microbiol.: a culture medium) / DMLA = dégénérescence maculaire liée à l'âge, see AMD / DMO = diabetic macular oedema (US edema, so DME) / DMP = disease management programme / DNA = deoxyribonucleic acid / DNID = diabète non insulino-dépendant, see NIDDM / DNP = deoxyribonucleoprotein / DNPC = dimensions normales du périmètre crânien see NHC / DNR = do not resuscitate / DNS = Desoxyribonukleinsäure see DNA / DOA = dead on arrival (emed.) / dobu = dobutamine (as in dobutamine (stress) echocardiography) / DOC = 11-deoxycorticosterone / Doca® = 1. desoxycortone acetate; 2. desoxycorticosterone acetate / dochtergezwel = metastasis; secondary tumour / dode ruimte = dead space (rmed.) / DMLA =  / DOE = double oil emulsion (vaccine) / doekklem = towel clip (surgical drapes) / scotome en doigt de gants = Bjerrum scotoma (opthal.) / doigt en marteau = mallet finger; hammer finger; drop finger; baseball finger / doigt à ressort = trigger finger; snapping finger / travers de doigt see QF / Dolenz = tenderness (on palpation e.g.) / aides à domicile = domiciliary services, contrast residential care (social security) / donneur compatible = matched donor (blood e.g.) / doorbraakbloeding = break-through bleeding; spotting (gyn.) / doornuitsteksel see Dornfortsatz / dopa = dihydroxyphenylalanine / doppelseitige Zentrallähmung = bilateral paralysis / doppelsträngig = double-stranded (DNA, RNA) / Dornfortsatz = spinous process / Dornwarze = plantar wart; verruca plantaris; "verruca" / dosage = measurement (NB EN dosage = posologie) / dose engagé = committed dose / dose excessive = overdose (OD) (narcotics) / doses filées = very small repeated doses / dose de rappel = booster dose (vaccinations) / Dosisaerosol = metered-dose inhaler; metered-dose aerosol (asthma) / DOT = directly observed therapy / DOTS = directly observed therapy short course / dotteren = balloon dilatation (used in angiography) (named after C.J. Dotter, US physician) / double blind trial: "In blind trials the patients are kept in ignorance of the particular drug being administered at any stage of the experiment. This is particularly desirable if the experimenter has to rely on self-ratings by the patients. In double blind trials both the patients and the doctor or nurse assessing the treatment effects are, in so far as is possible, kept unaware of the particular treatments they are trying to assess." / douleurs spontanés = pain / douleurs provoquées = tenderness / "douve" see distome / DPL = diagnostic peritoneal lavage / DPLD = diffuse parenchymal lung disease, see ILD / DPNI = dépistage prénatal non invasif, see NIPD, NIPT / Dpp positionnelle = positional deep dyspareunia (gyn.) / DPPC = dipalmitoyl lecithin / DPT see DTP / draadlus = (wire) loop; loop electrode (surg.) / draadworm = threadworm / draagbaar = stretcher / draagmoeder = surrogate mother (gyn.) / draagmoederschap = surrogacy (gyn.) / DRABC = Danger, Response; Airway; Breathing; Circulation (checks in first aid) / draaier = 1. axis; 2. second cervical vertebra; 3. trochanter / Drainage (DE) = 1. drainage (procedure); 2. drain (surg. instrument) / drainage aspiratif = suction drainage; drainage en écoulement libre = free drainage; drainage en siphonnage = gravity drainage (surg.) / Drang = urgency (to urinate, defaecate) / drapeau rouge see red flag / DRCM = differential reinforced clostridial medium / DRE = digital rectal examination / DREADD = designer receptor exclusively activated by designer drugs (biol.) / Drehbruch = spiral fracture / Dreiecksbein = triangular bone; os triquetrum / Dreimandelnhyperplasie (defined ICD as "Hyperplasie der Gaumenmandeln mit Hyperplasie der Rachenmandel"= hypertrophy (or hyperplasia) of the palatine tonsils and adenoid (or pharyngeal tonsil)  / dreizipfelig = tricuspid (heart valve e.g.) / dreksteen see darmsteen / anémie drépanocytaire; drépanocytose = sickle-cell anaemia / DRF = Darreichungsform = formulation; dosage form (pharm.) / DRG = 1. diagnosis-related group (hospital fee charging); 2. dorsal root ganglia / drieslippig see dreizipfelig / (needle) driver = needle holder (surg.) / droiterie = right-handedness / Drosselvene = 1. external jugular vein (neck); 2. "cushion vein"; "throttle vein"; sluice; sluice channel (describes function of various veins, e.g. the small sluices of Deysach in the liver) / DRU = digitale rektale Untersuchung see DRE / Druckgeschwür = pressure sore; bed sore; decubitus ulcer; decubitus / Druckkonus = tonsillar herniation (of cerebellum) / Druckverband = compression dressing; compression bandage; pressure bandage; pressure dressing / drugs of abuse, contrast therapeutic drugs / druifvlies = uvea / druiper = gonorrhoea / druivensuiker = glucose; dextrose / druppelinfectie = droplet infection / Drüsenentzündung = adenitis / Drüsenfieber = glandular fever; infectious mononucleosis / DS = 1. defined supplement (microbiol.); 2. détroit supérieur = superior strait (pelvis) / DSDS = Direction de la santé et du développement social = (suggest) Directorate for Health and Social Development (FR) / DSM = 1. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (American Psychiatric Association); 2. déficit sensorimoteur, see SMD; 3. dose standard médiane, see MSD; 4. dose standard moyenne, see MSD / DSMB = Data Safety Monitoring Board (USA; clinical trials) / DSP = diarrhoetic shellfish poisoning; poison / DTaP = diphtheria and tetanus toxoid with acellular pertussis (vaccine) / DT Coq = diphthérie, tétanos, coqueluche see DTP / DTCP = diphtérie, tétanos, coqueluche, polio see DTPP / DTP = diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (triple vaccine) / DTPP = diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio / DTX = dinophysistoxin / dubbelblinde proef see double blind trial (pharm.) / dubbelstrengig = double-stranded (DNA, RNA) / DuCO = ductance CO = transfer factor (TLCO) / Duftdrüsen = apocrine sweat glands / duikerziekte = decompression sickness; "the bends" / duizeligheid = dizziness; giddiness, vertigo / Dünndarm = small intestine; intestinum tenue / dunne darm see Dünndarm / duplicité = duplication (of organ e.g.) / Durchblutung (+ Gen. case) = blood supply (to) / Durchbruch = 1. perforation (ulcer e.g.); eruption (teeth) / Durchgangsarzt; D-Arzt (D): (suggest) accident physician (licensed by a Berufsgenossenschaft to treat or refer accident victims (insurance) / durchgehend = full-thickness (muscle tear) / Durchläßigkeit = permeability / Durchleuchtung = 1. fluoroscopy; 2. transillumination / Durchstich = transfixion (suture, ligature) / mit vielen Blutgefäßen durchzogen = highly vascular; richly supplied with blood vessels / dure-mère = dura mater / duremérien = (of, pertaining to) dura mater / durée de conservation = shelf life (pharm.) / durillon = callus (covering bigger area and less deep than a corn, usually on sole of foot) / Düsenvernebler = jet nebulizer; nozzle nebulizer (in asthma e.g.) / duvet = down (laguno of newborn e.g.) / DV = 1. décubitus ventral = ventral decubitus; 2. see Druckverband / D & V = diarroea and vomiting / DVE = distribution du volume érythrocytaire see RDW / DVT = deep vein thrombosis / DW = distribution width (blood) / dwarsgestreept = striated (muscle) / Dx = diagnosis / dyscommunicant = non-verbal; non-communicating / nodule dysorique = cotton-wool exsudate; cotton-wool spot (ophth.) / dyspnée d'effort = exertional dyspnoea (rmed.)

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