Glossary: European Union & international affairs, industry, trade, development aid, employment, social affairs, education & training, transport
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maaltijdverstrekking = meals-on-wheels (social) / maatregel = strand (EU; Leonardo da Vinci programme) / macerals = homogeneous organic materials in coal, main ones: vitrinite, exinite, inertinite / machine alternative = reciprocating blower (steelm.) / machine tournante = rotary blower (steelm.) / machtigingswet = enabling act / macoré = makore (timber) / Mahnverfahren = order for payment procedure (EU) / la main invisible des marchés = the invisible hand (of the market) (Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments, 1759, and The Wealth of Nations, 1776) / maison d'enfants = kindergarten / maître d'oeuvre = project manager; chief architect; master builder (construction) / maître d'ouvrage = client (construction) / Malakowturm = Malakoff tower (coalm.) (shafthead tower which houses the winding gear. Named after military fortifications in Sebastopol; common in 19th-century German mines; 14 examples still extant in the Ruhr) / the Mann-Whitney test (stat.) / manodétendeur see détendeur / marché de gré à gré see freihändige Vergabe / marémoteur = tidal (energy) / marinier = inland bargeman (transport) / Marktbereinigung = market shake-out (comm.) / marktwerking = operation of the market; market forces; can equate to free competition, a free price system (comm.) / Maschinenstall = stable (coalm.) / Mashrek countries = Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Syria / masselotte = (top) discard (ingot casting) / Massentierhaltung = factory farming / mazout see gasole / médiation culturelle = information and communication / meerdadse samenloop = multiple offences (law) / megabyte = 1024 Kb / mehrlagiges Rundlitzenausgleichseil = multiflat stranded round balance rope / Mehrseil-Treibscheibenförderung = multi-rope friction hoist / mention de responsabilité = statement of responsibility (library science) / mer intérieure = (of archipelago) archipelagic waters (area within a border which consists of straight lines linking the outermost points of all the islands, as opposed to territorial waters, EEZ, continental shelf etc. which are outside that line and measured outwards from it (concepts defined in UN Convention on the Law of the Sea) / Meßplatform = force platform (erg.) / Metallhalogendampflampe = metal halide lamp / remise sur le métier = starting from scratch, reappraisal (textile metaphor) / meulage = grinding (cleaning of pipes) / middelvoorschrift = (suggest) "prescribed method" rule / European Convention on the Legal Status of Migrant Workers / midi = lunch-and-learn event; "brown bag lunch" (training)/ Milieustraat = container park (waste dumps) / miljard; milliard; Milliarde = 1000 million, see billion / Mineralöl = petroleum; mineral oil / minerval = minerval (B: educ.) / mini-jump = mini-trip (elec.) / revue à mi-parcours = mid-term review (EU: development) / Mischkonzern =  conglomerate / mise en forme = formatting (information technology) / mise à niveau = ? upgrading (vocat. training e.g.) / mise à plat = examination, careful analysis, explanation / mitage = urban sprawl / Mitarbeitergesellschaft (or Beteiligungsgesellschaft) = employee-interest company / Miteinandersein = (suggest) single European identity (polit.) / Mitnahmeeffekt = deadweight effect (defined: verzeichneter Effekt, der auch ohne eine öffentliche Intervention eingetreten wäre (e.g. labour market); (Keynesian) windfall effect; bandwagon effect (politics, consumer behaviour) / mixité = (depending on context) gender balance; social balance / mobiliser = (suggestedmocktet = megabyte / modacrylic fibre (fire resistant) / moduler = to scale; differentiate; set a sliding scale (of charges) / création, financement monétaire = "printing money" / Money Employed Account at the Bank of England / Montageschaum = expanding builder's foam (usually polyurethane, used as sealant and/or as cavity fill insulation in doors and roof spaces. Terminology reflects the method or purpose: spray foams; injection foams; sprayed-in-place foams; in-situ foams; insulating foams; foam sealants; foam-in-place insulation. German definition (from SWI newspaper): "Formaldehyd-Harnstoffschaum ist vor allem zur Nachisolation geeignet. Er wird als sog. "Ortsschaum" direkt am Objekt erzeugt; das Material wird entweder mit Druck in die zu isolierenden Hohlräume eingebracht oder auch auf Oberflächen aufgeschäumt." / mort-aux-rats = rat poison / mothballing = (nuclear facilities) / mouvance = body of sympathisers, following, influence, changing scene / multiplicatorproject = multiplier-effect project (EU; Leonardo da Vinci programme) / mutuelle de santé = health mutual /

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 6 October 2024
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