Glossary: European Union & international affairs, industry, trade, development aid, employment, social affairs, education & training, transport
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économie immatérielle = weightless economy (term coined by Prof. Danny Quah of LSE: means economic activity that does not create a physical or tangible product; areas include information technology, intellectual property, etc.) / tuyauterie d'impulsion= impulse lines: "small-diameter tubing connecting a sample to a measuring or monitoring device" (steelm.) / bruit impulsionnel = impulsive noise / inbreuk-procedure = infringement proceedings (EU; European Court of Justice) / indemnité de congé = accrued leave payable / indemnité de préavis = pay(ment) in lieu of notice / traitement indiciaire = grade-related salary (civil service e.g.) / emploi induit = induced employment / Infopost = (D) a special service, not same as e.g. printed paper rate or similar (leave in German) / Informationsgever = display (IT) / ingéniérie = study & development of projects; project study department / ingewogen = calibrated / injection inverse = counterflushing (drilling, coalm.) / Institut für empirische Gesundheitsökonomie = Institute for Empirical Health Economics (based Luzern) / Institut für Parasitologie und Internationale Tiermedizin = Institute of Parasitology and International Animal Health (DE) / instructions manuelles = manual instructions (computers) / instrument d'application = enforcement tool (law, police e.g.) / Instrument für Heranführungshilfe = IPA q.v. / intercommunale = association of local authorities; local authority grouping (B) / intergenerative Gerechtigkeit = intergenerational fairness (social security) / Internationaal Vakverbond = International Confederation of Free Trade Unions, ICFTU / Internationale Handelskamer, see NCC (NL) / Internationale Handelskammer, see ICC / Internationale Kamer van Koophandel see ICC / interrupteur différentiel = residual current circuit breaker (elec., source: product insert) / intraindividueller Verlauf = intraindividual change(s) (epidem./math/stat.) / Intrastat = statistics on intra-Community trade (Eurostat) / Inverkehrbringen = placing on the market / principe de l'investisseur en économie de marché = market economy investor principle (EU) / inweeg = calibration / irénique = Harrap gives "irenic(al)", meaning peaceful, pacific, tending to promote peace, esp. in theol. context / isolable from.. / masque (respirateur) isolant = breathing apparatus (i.e. supplied with fresh air by a hose, or by a compressed airline, both of which have a restricted range. If the wearer carries his own air supply in e.g. a canister it is "autonome", a self-contained breathing apparatus: NB not a "respirator", where the user breathes the ambient air, cleaned on its way to him by a filter) (OSH) / isolatiebeschadiging = insulation failure (elec.) / isolement par rapport au tiers = boundary distance(s) (buildings)

Created by Alison Gaunt
last updated: 28 October 2018   
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