Glossary: European Union & international affairs, industry, trade, development aid, employment, social affairs, education & training, transport
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gachette = trigger (firearm) / gaine externe = jacket (flexible hose) / gamelle = lunch box, mess tin, billy can; feeding bowl (animal) / ganzheitlich = "all-in" (method, approach) / Ganzzugsverbindung = block train connection, link (transport) / garanti des juges; garantie des juges = case-law (adj.), i.e. rights etc. confirmed by court rulings as opposed to existing in statutegarniture de presse-étoupe = gland packing (valve) / Gaspendelverfahren = vapour recovery process (reduces air pollution from petrol/gasoline vapour on garage forecourts / Gau = größtmöglicher anzunehmender Unfall = maxim credible accident (MCA); loosely used to mean any (nuclear) accident. e.g. "Chernobyl war ein Supergau" / Gay Lussac: the oGL=1% by volume. 40% vol. means 100 litres of spirit contain 40 litres pure alcohol at 15oC. 40% vol. or 40o d'alcool = 70o proof (GB) and 80 proof (US) (ITI) / gazole (also gas-oil, gasoil) = diesel (dyed yellow: motor vehicle fuel); fuel oil (dyed red: domestic heating oil e.g. = mazout) / gedragscode = modus vivendi (EU: between EP, Council, Commission) / gefühlsbetonte Werbung = emotional advertising / Gegendarstellung = right of reply (media) / Gegenspülung = counterflushing (coalm.) / Gegenwertfonds = counterpart fund (trade) / Gemengelage = diversity of views / Generalized System of Preferences (GATT) / Generationenvertrag = contract between the generations (social security) / Gericht: names recommended by German FO and Justice Ministry: Amtsgericht = District Court; Arbeitsgericht = Labour Court; Bundesarbeitsgericht = Federal Labour Court; Bundesfinanzhof = Federal Fiscal Court; Bundesgerichtshof = Federal High Court; Bundessozialgericht = Federal Social Court; Bundesverfassungsgericht = Federal Constitutional Court; Bundesverwaltungsgericht = Federal Administrative Court; Finanzgericht = Fiscal Court; Landesarbeitsgericht = Regional Labour Court; Landessozialgericht = Regional Social Court; Landgericht = Regional Court; Oberlandesgericht = Higher Regional Court; Oberverwaltungsgericht, Verwaltungsgerichthof = Higher Administrative Court; Sozialgericht = Social Court / Verwaltungsgericht = Administrative Court / geringfügige Beschäftigung = marginal employment; "little" job / Geringfügigkeitsschwelle = low-income threshold / Gesamtverkehr = transportation (as concept) / gesellschaftliche Unternehmensverantwortung see CSM / gestaakte dagen = days lost (labour) / Gewährleistungsbürgschaft = maintenance bond (constr.) / geweldchip = violence chip, v-chip (TV broadc.) / Gewerbeaufsichtsamt = trrading standards office / Gewinnverkürkungen und Gewinnverlagerungen see BEPS (int. finance) / Gießharz = foundry resin / Gießpulver = casting powder (steelm.) / gigabyte = 10024 Mb / Gipskartonplatten = plasterboard / girokaart = giro cheque / glansspreeuw = glossy starling (bird) / Glasperlenspiel: suggest "intellectual challenge, "brain-teaser". Hermann Hesse novel, titled in EN "The Glass Bead Game" or "Magister Ludi". / glasvlies = glass fibre mat, "batt" (ITI) / Gleichgewichtsökonomie = steady-state economy / rechtsdrehendes Gleichschlagseil = finished righthand langs lay (ropes) / glissière de sécurité = crash barrier (roads) / température de globe noir = wet bulb globe temperature / golfvorm = waveform (elec., NB one word) / gouvernance = governance (definitions: "the way in which power is exercised in the management of the economic and social resources of a country, notably with a view to development’ (World Bank); ‘Governance refers to the process whereby elements in society wield power and authority, and influence and enact policies and decisions concerning public life, and economic and social development. These involve the relationship of individual men and women to the state, the organisation of organs of state, the generation and management of resources for current and future generations, and the relationship between states. As such governance is a broader notion than government (whose principal elements include the constitution, the legislature, the executive and the judiciary).  Governance involves the nature of interaction between such formally defined institutions, and those of civil society. Existing cultural values and social norms, traditions or structures are important influences on this interaction process." (International Institute of Administrative Sciences (IIAS): Governance - A  draft Composite Definition, Brussels 1996) / gouvernement des experts = technocracy / octroi de la grâce = prerogative of mercy (polit.) / loi des grands nombres = law of large numbers (probability theory, Bernoulli) / charte graphique = graphic standard; graphic identity (set of logos, formatting rules etc. applied across a body's official documents to convey its identity) / grappe d'innovation = innovative cluster (geographic concentration of competing and cooperating businesses, etc.) / marché gré à gré = negotiated contract; private contract (comm.) / grenaillage = shot-blasting (cleaning of pipes) / grève perlée = go-slow / grippage = jamming (machinery) / Großer Senat für Strafsachen = Grand Criminal Panel (DE, FCJ) / Großfeuerungsanlagen = large combustion plants / Grubenbahnen mit Personenbeförderung = man-riding trains (coalm.) / angrenzendes Grubenfeld = adjoining concession (coalm.) / Grubengebäude = underground operations, everything under ground (coalm.) / Grundgesamtheit = parent population (stat.); Grundgesamtheitsmaßzahl = parameter; Grundgesamtheitsmittel = population mean / Grundgesetz = Basic Law (D): Geltungsbereich of (Article 23): "Dieses GG gilt zunächst im Gebiete der Länder (list follows). In anderen Teilen Deutschlands ist es nach deren Beitritt in Kraft zu setzen." / Grundstoff = base material (building) / Grundwerkstoff = base material (welding) / "guichet unique" = one-stop-shop (general, also EU rail freight freeways) / guide-fil = fire marshall (fire safety; see also serre-fil)
Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 26 November 2024   
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