Glossary: European Union & international affairs, industry, trade, development aid, employment, social affairs, education & training, transport
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fabrique d'église
= church administrative board, equivalent to an Anglican parochial church council (NB not the same as a parish council) (BE) / Fachausschuss = specialist committee (EP) / prix facial = list price (comm.) / Facilitair = support (NL: service, firm, etc.) / travaux à façon = job work (gen.); hire processing (steelm.); / façonnier= ? processor (documentation) / faisceau d'aiguilles combustibles = bundle of fuel pins (nucl.) / falanga = torture method involving beating soles of feet / Faltschachtel = carton (not necessary to say "folding carton" unless the emphasis is on packaging technology) / fangen = snatching (of machine: e.g. when saw jams on piece of wood it is cutting); trapping (of clothing in a machine) / Farbwiedergabe= colour rendering (TV e.g.) / farines animales = meat and bone meal / farandoline = part-time day nursery (1 or 2 days a week) (B) / Faserplatten = fibreboard / Federation of Acoustical Societies of Europe / Fédération Internationale des Agriculteurs Biologiques = International Federation of Organic Agriculture Movements / Fehlbohrung = dry hole, "duster" (coalm.): an uneconomic shaft / Fehlerstrom = residual current (elec., source: product inlay) / Feinschnitt = fine-cut tobacco / Feldort = road head (coalm.) / Feldplatte = magnetoresistor / ferroutage = piggyback transport; (combined) road/rail transport / Fertigung = manufacturing, see also Produktion / Fesselung = restraint (of persons: torture e.g.); containment (disease) / feuille de route = road map (Middle East politics) / fiche de notation = scoreboard (EU: EIB) / fiche réflexe = checklist / fichier d'édition et de recherche = print and search file (documentation) / figurant = extra (movie casting) / filiation = bloodline (in determining citizenship e.g.) / filière = sector, subsector (econ., industr.) / fin de non recevoir opposée par = outright rejection by (in non-legal texts) / filter (TV broadc. see decoder / franc, marché financier = financial franc, market: under 2-tier system rate is allowed to float, cf. reglementé / Firste = roof (coalm.); Firstenbau = flat-back-and-fill method; Firstenstoß = flat-back face (drilled in flat holes) / fiscaliseren = to give as a tax credit (social security benefits) / (ligne) fixe = landline (telecomm.) / Flaches = flat seam (coalm.) / in der Fläche = country-wide; in the country; across the board / flambants= high-volatile bituminous coals, NB flame coal is dictionary-speak only / flashcode (FR) = QR code / fléole des prés = timothy grass; Phleum pratense (bot.) / Flöz = seam, bed (coalm.); Begleitflöz = rider, accompanying seam; Flachflöz = flat seam; Leitflöz = marker bed, index bed, key bed / flux laminaire vertical = laminar air flow (venting system through hood, cabinet in hospitals to contain infections) / Folie = slide, overhead transparency (PowerPoint e.g.) / fonds communs de placement = mutual funds (fin.) / fonte hématite = haematite iron / fonte phosphoreuse = phosphoric pig / foot-lambert: unit of luminance; 1 foot-lambert = 3.43 candela m-2 / "the Footsie" = popular name for the FTSE 100 share index (market performance of top UK companies: acronym = Financial Times + (London) Stock Exchange, co-owners of the company FTSE International, formed 1995) / forclos = time-barred (law) / Förderablauf = hoisting cycles (coalm.) / Förderanlagen = winding gear, installations (coalm.) / Förderer = conveyor (coalm.); types: Bandförderer = belt conveyor; Bremsförderer = braking conveyor; Gurtförderer = belt conveyor; Hemmförderer = catch chute, fishing chute; Kettenförderer = chain scraper; Kratzförderer = scraper conveyor; Panzerförderer = armoured conveyor; Obergurtförderer = top-carrying conveyor; Saigerförderer, Seigerförderer = vertical chute with clacks; Schneckenförderer = screw conveyor; Stauscheibenförderer = flight conveyor / Fördergerüst = conveyance centre (coalm.: headframes); enges Fördergerüst = close cage centre / Förderkorbkette = cage chain (coalm.) / Förderseil = winding rope (coalm.) / formation continue = continuing (professional) education (academe); in-service training; ongoing training (typically organised by an employer) / Formsandbinder = moulding sand binder (foundry) / frais annexes = related costs / frais en nature = in-kind costs / franchise = complete free trade, full exemption (tariffs) / pyrite framboïdale = framboid: a microscopic aggregate of pyrite grains, often occurring in spheroidal clusters / frappe = margin (comm.) / Frascati Manual: R&D document, named after June 1963 meeting in Italy of national experts on R&D (OECD) / Freemasonry: useful chapter in "Jack the Ripper - the Final Solution" by S. Knight / freihändige Vergabe = negotiated procedure (EU); negotiated contract; contract by private treaty (made directly between 2 parties) / Freiflächen = open spaces (agri-envir.) / Freischußsicherung = safety catch / fresque vidéo = mapping / friedenskonsolidierend = peacebuilding (UN etc) / frigorie: unit of cooling, a negative kcal, abbrev. FG. See McGraw-Hill under "Ton of refrigeration" (equivalent imperial measure) / fritter = sinter / Fruchtfolge = crop rotation / Fugendichtungsmaβen = joint sealants (building) / Füllerdrahten = filler wires (coalm.) / funderend onderwijs = primary plus secondary education / road (or street) furniture: trees, lamp posts, other obstacles and features of roadside design (source: BBC) / fil fusible = consumable electrode wire (welding) / Fußleiste = toe board (scaffolding)

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 10 February 2025
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