Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations   Dutch-English, French-English, German-English
Page V

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= vinyl (plastic bottles) / Vamil = vervroegde afschrijving milieu-investeringen (NL) = (suggest) early depreciation of environmental investments ("Vamil subsidies" = incentive scheme for investment in clean technology) / vapo-déposition = vapour deposition; vapour plating (chemical or physical) / VC = vinyl chloride (CHCl) / VCI = Verband der Chemischen Industrie (D) = German Chemical Industry Association / VCl see VC / VCM = vinyl chloride monomer / VDC = vinyledine chloride; VCl2 / VE-Wasser = vollentsalztes Wasser = deionised water / végétalisation = revegetation, greening / "Verantwortliches Handeln" = "Responsible Care" (D) (chemicals) / verdelgingsmiddel = pesticide / Verdunstungszahl = evaporation number not 'vaporization coefficient', NB) / Vergleichslösung = comparison solution (IUPAC) / Verklappung = dumping (of waste) / Verlandung = terrestrialisation (water body becomes infilled with vegetation and organic material until eventually no open water remains and the site becomes peat-land) / Vermiculite = (F? trade name) type of drying agent in granular form / verseifen = saponify / vinchlozolin (pest.) / Verstärker = enhancer (e.g. chemiluminescence) / Vertiefung = well (microbiol.: in culture plate) / Verursacherprinzip see PPP 1. / VIB = veiligheidsinformatieblad, see MSDS / matières premières vierges = primary raw materials / vif-argent (pop.) = quicksilver (pop., obs.); mercury / point de virage = endpoint (acid-base indicators: point at which, or range within which, colour change occurs in titration) / Visking tube / vitroculture = in vitro culture (microbiol.); in vitro cultivation (plant science) / VOC = volatile organic compound / Vollpipette = fixed volume pipette / Vorläufersubstanzen = precursors / Vorsorgeprinzip = precautionary principle; prevention principle / VOS = vluchtig organisch stof see VOC / v/v = volume of solute per volume of solvent / VPR = vapour pressure / vPvB = very persistent, very bioaccumulative

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 30 September 2024
  Made with Nvu