Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations   Dutch-English, French-English, German-English

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halocarbons / Halogenkohlenwasserstoffe = halogenated hydrocarbons / hauteur d'eau = gauge height; stream stage (hydrol.) / Hazkit: testing kit which identifies the hazard (explosive, poisonous, corrosive..) rather than the chemical involved (UK) / HBB = hexabromobenzene / HCB = hexachlorobenzene / HCFC = hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFCs replaced the ozone-damaging CFCs) / HCH = hexachlorocyclohexane / HCN = hydrocyanic acid / HCP = hexachlorophene / HCS = Hazard Communication Standard (OSHA) / HDPE = high-density polyethylene (plastic bottles) / HELCOM = Helsinki Commission; 1974 Helsinki Convention on the Protection of the Marine Environment of the Baltic Sea, expanded 1992 to include the EEC countries / Heliotropin = heliotropin; (INCI) Heliotropine / helse steen see Höllenstein / HEPA = high-efficiency particulate air (filter) / HEPES = N-2-Hydroxyethylpiperazine-N-2-ethanesulphonic acid / Herbstzeitlose = colchicine / heroin = class A drug; also known as: brown; elephant; horse; junk; skag; smack / HETP = height equivalent to a theoretical plate (chromatography) / Hexyldecanol Hexyldecyl Laurat = hexyldecanol and hexyldecyl laurate / HF = hydrofluoric acid / HFB = heptafluorobutryl / HGA = heated graphite atomiser (AA technique) / HGMS = high-gradient magnetic separation (particulates) / HHA = huishoudelijk afval = household waste; domestic waste / HIA = health impact assessment / HIAA = 5-hydroxyindolacetic acid / HKW = halogeenkoolwaterstof; Halogen-Wasserkohlenstoff = carbon halide / HLW = high-level waste / HMIP = Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Pollution (UK) / HMIPI = Her Majesty's Industrial Pollution Inspectorate (UK-Scotland) / hochentzündlich = extremely flammable category of danger F+ / hochwirksam = potent / Hohlglas = hollow glassware / Hohlkathodenlampe = hollow cathode (discharge) lamp (spectrophot.) / höhersiedend = with a high boiling point / Höllenstein = silver nitrate, AgNO3 / holoside = saccharide / Holzgeist = methyl alcohol; methanol; wood alcohol; wood spirit / Homolog = homologue / hors tendance (pharm.) see OOT / houtgeest see Holzgeist / HP = high performance (sampler e.g.) / HpCDF = heptachloridibenzofuran / HPLC = high pressure liquid chromatography / HQE = Haute Qualité Environnementale (FR); "HQE certification" / HRM = high-risk material (nucl./tox.) / HSDB = Hazardous Substances Data Bank / HTC = haut taux de combustion = high burn-up (fuels) / HTO = high-temperature oxidation / huile légère = light oil (coking, e.g.) / huile thermique = thermal oil / hulpstof = adjuvant (added to e.g. herbicides to improve spread and effectiveness) / HVAA = heated vaporisation atomic absorption / HWI = Hazardous Waste Inspection (UK) / HxCDD = hexachloridibenzodioxin / HxCDF = hexachloridibenzofuran / hydrargyrum = mercury / hydrogénochromate = hydrochromate (HcrO4) / hydrosoluble = water-soluble; (less commonly) hydrosoluble

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 2 March 2020 
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