Glossary of Chemistry & Environmental Protection: terms & abbreviations   Dutch-English, French-English, German-English

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= environmental assessment (UK) see EIA / EAC = effective area coverage (dust) / EAP = Environmental Action Programme (EU; 1973) / "Earth Summit" see UNCED / eau-forte = nitric acid, HNO3; aqua fortis / eau oxygénée = hydrogen peroxide, H2O2 / eau sodée = sodium hydroxide solution /  eaux souterraines = groundwater (hydrol.) / eau de traitement = process water / EC = 1. effective concentration (tox.) (e.g. EC50 = concentration of a substance required to produce a particular effect); 2. emulsifiable concentrate (pesticides); 3. environmental carcinogen / ECB = ethylene copolymer/bitumen (BASF product used in sealing landfill sites) / ECCC = European Communities Chemistry Committee (EU) / ECD = 1. effective cut-off diameter (dust sampling); 2. electron capture detection (-detector) / ECETOC = European Chemical Industry Ecology and Toxicology Centre / ECL = equivalent carbon chain lengths / ECOHSE = European Centre for Occupational Health, Safety and the Environment (University of Glasgow) / économie bas carbone = low-carbon economy / EDAX = energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy / EDB = ethylene dibromide / EDC = ethylene dichloride / EDDA = Environmental Due Diligence Assessment (audit) / EDF = exponential dilution flask / EDP = environmentally adjusted net domestic product / EDTA = ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (chelating agent, preservative) / EDU = Energiedienstleistungsunternehmen = energy utility; energy service company (ESCO) / EDXRF = energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence / EE = energy efficiency / EEA = European Environment Agency (EU, based London) / EEB = European Environmental Bureau (NGO) / EET = embodied effluent trade / EEZ = exclusive economic zones (Convention on the Law of the Sea) / EF = ecological footprint / EFICS = European Forestry Information and Communication System / EfW = energy from waste / EGDN = ethylene glycol dinitrate (in dynamite) / EIA = environmental impact assessment; environmental impact appraisal (NB see also SEA) / Eichlösung = calibration solution / EIE = étude de l'impact environnemental; étude de l'incidence environnementale see EIA / Einfachzucker = monosaccharide; simple sugar / Einleitung = (sewage) outfall; discharge (the act of discharging effluent) / Einwegflasche = one-way bottle; non-returnable bottle; throw-away bottle / EIONET = European Environment Information and Observation Network (EU; part of EEA) / EIS = environment impact statement (embodies an EIA) / EM = environmental monitoring / EMA = Europees Milieu-Agentschap see EEA / EMAS = Eco-Management and Audit Scheme (EU; voluntary scheme for industry, launched 1993) / embout = tip (pipette e.g.) / EMEP = European Monitoring and Evaluation of Pollutants (programme): full title "Cooperation Programme for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the Long-Range Transmission of Air Pollutants in Europe" (joint UN ECE and EU) / EMG = eco-management guide / EMICBACK = Environmental Mutagen Info Center Backfile / Emission (D) = emission level, at immediate point of release, contrast Immission = ambient level i.e. away from point of emission) / Emissionszertifikate; Emissionsrechte = emissions permits (emissions trading) / handelbare Emissionsrechte = tradeable permits (emissions trading) / empreinte carbone; empreine écologique = carbon footprint; ecological footprint / EMQ = 6 ethoxy 1,2 dihydro 2.2.4 trimethylquinoline / EMS = environmental management system / enceinte = in laboratory ventilation, usually an extractor hood / einseitig = "one-tailed" (test); zweiseitig = "two-tailed" (test) / end points (e.g. toxicol.: of hazard zone in modelling an environment) / endosulfan (pest.) / endothall (pest.) / endrin (pest.) / enfouir; enfouissement = landfill; landfilling (waste management) / ENI = environmentally adjusted national income / enkelvoudig zuiker see Einfachzucker / enrobé = coated (tablet) / EnTA = environmental technology assessment / Entschäumer = anti-foaming agent (oven cleaner sprays e.g.) / Entsorgung = disposal (waste: in sense of treating to render harmless - usually OK to translate as "disposal"); sewerage (water) / entzündlich flammable (category of danger R10) / Entzündung = ignition (explosive atmospheres) / EPA = Environmental Protection Act (UK; 1990); Environmental Protection Agency (USA; 1970) / EPAC = Environmental Protection Advisory Committee (UK regions, part of Environment Agency) / EPCRA = Emergeny Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act (USA) / Epichlorhydrin = epichlorohydrin / EPR = 1. electronic paramagnetic resonance; 2. extended producer responsibility (waste management) / EPS = expanded polystyrene (NB not syn. with Styrofoam, which is a trademarked Dow product) / EQR = Environmental Quality Criteria (Canada); environmental quality standards / ERBE = Earth Radiative Budget Experiment (climate) / ergocalciférol = ergocalciferol; Vitamin D2 / ergot = (venting) lips (on petri dish) / érosion pluviale = splash erosion; rain drop erosion (hydrol.) / ERTS = Earth Resources Technology Satellite(s) / ES = environmental statement (UK) see EIS / ESA = 1. environmental site assessment; 2. environmentally sensitive (UK) / ESDA = electrostatic deposition analysis / esfenvalerate (pest.) / ESR = electron spin resonance / essai de débit = pumping test (hydrol.) / essence légère = naphtha / étalon = standard / ETBE = ethyl tertiary butyl ether / ethephon (pest.) / ethidium bromide / ethoxyquin: an antioxidant / ethylene thiorea: possible teratogen used in rubber industry / étiage = low water (hydrol.) / ETL = emergency tolerance limits / ETRAF = enceinte pour toxiques à recirculation d'air filtré = (suggest) toxicant containment enclosure using recirculation of filtered air (laboratory equipment) / etridiazole (pest.) / etsend = caustic; corrosive / etskali see Ätzkali / étuve = incubator (microbiol.); sterilizer (instruments) / EUA = Europäische Umweltagentur see EEA / EuroGOOS European Global Ocean Observing System (1994; cf. GOOS) / EVA = ethylene vinyl acetate (light-weight open-celled foam used in e.g. shoe manufacture) / EWADAT = European Waste Data Bank / EWG = Environmental Working Group (USA)

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 23 October 2024
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