ENGLISH (with notes) | FRENCH | GERMAN | DUTCH |
adaptive mutation | mutation adaptive | adaptive Mutation | adaptieve mutatie |
AI see avian influenza | IA voir influenza aviaire | AI siehe avaiäre
Influenza |
AI zie aviaire influenza |
allantoic fluid | liquide allantoïque | Allantoisflüssigkeit | allantoisvloeistof |
(antiviral) |
amantadine | Amantadine | amantadine |
antibody titre (to virus) | titre d'anticorps | Antikörpertiter | antistoffentiter |
antigen drift | Antigen-Drift | antigene drift | |
antigen shift | cassure antigénique | ||
APBs: animal by-products (not intended for human consumption) | sous-produits d'origine animale; sous-produits animaux | Nebenprodukte tierischen Ursprungs; tierische Nebenprodukte | dierlijke bijproducten; bijproducten van dierlijke oorsprong |
APHA: Animal and Plant Health Agency (UK, from 2014) | |||
avian influenza (AI); avian flu; 'bird flu': in scientific writing 'avian' rather than 'bird' seems to be the preferred term; earlier terms such as 'fowl plague, fowl pest' are now largely obsolete. | influenza
aviaire; grippe aviaire; grippe
avienne; grippe du poulet |
aviäre Influenza;Vogelgrippe; (klassische) Geflügelpest | aviaire influenza; vogelgriep; vogelpest; kippenpest |
(several) |
virus de la grippe aviaire | Vogelgrippevirus(-viren) | aviair influenzavirus(-virussen) |
BEIC: British Egg Industry Council (UK) | |||
biosecurity | biosécurité | Biosicherheit | bioveiligheid |
bird flu see avian influenza. | |||
bird-to-human transmission | transmission à l'homme; transmission aux humains | Tier-zu-Mensch-Übertragung | overdracht van dier op
mens |
backyard flock | troupeau de basse-cour; élévage de basse-cour; petit élévage | Hinterhofhaltung | hobbypluimveehouderij |
boot dip (often in the form of a mat); foot bath | pédiluve (as noun); tapis pédiluve; bac pédiluve | Desinfektionsmatte; Desinfektionswanne | ontsmettingsbak; ontsmettingsmat; voetbad |
BPL: British Poultry Council (UK) | |||
capsid (outer shell of virus) | capside | Kapsid | capside |
carrier | porteur | Träger | drager |
cloaca: in birds, the single posterior vent forming the opening of the intestinal & genitourinary tracts. | cloaque | Kloake | cloaca |
cloacal swab | écouvillon cloacal | Kloakenabstrich | swabname van de cloaca |
family cluster, local cluster) |
de cas; foyer |
Cluster; Krankheitsherd | cluster |
comb and wattles | crête et barbillons | Kopfanhänge (seems to be used more than Kamm and Kehllappen individually) | kam en lellen |
contagious |
contagieux | ansteckend |
besmettelijk |
contaminated | contaminé | verseucht | besmet |
control (of AI...) | lutte (contre...) | Bekämpfung (der...) | bestrijding (van...) |
Council Directive 2005/94/EC of 20 December 2005 on Community measures for the control of avian influenza and repealing Directive 92/40/EEC | Directive 2005/94/CE du Conseil du 20
décembre 2005 concernant des mesures communautaires de lutte
contre l'influenza aviaire et abrogeant la directive 92/40/CEE |
Richtlinie 2005/94/EG des Rates vom 20. Dezember 2005
mit Gemeinschaftsmaßnahmen zur Bekämpfung der
Aviären Influenza und zur Aufhebung der Richtlinie 92/40/EWG |
Richtlijn 2005/94/EG van de Raad van 20 decembre 2005
betreffende communautaire maatregelen ter bestrijding van aviaire
influenza en tot intrekking van Richtlijn 92/40/EEG |
cross species; cross the species barrier | francher la barrière d'espèces | die Artbarriere überschreiten | de soortbarriere overschrijden |
cross-contamination | contamination croisée | Querkontaminierung | kruisbesmetting |
cull (livestock) | abattre; éliminer | schlachten | ruimen; keulen |
culling (livestock) | abattage; cueillage | Schlachtung | ruiming |
DIVA strategy (DIVA: "differentiating infected from vaccinated animals") | stratégie DIVA | DIVA-Strategie | DIVA strategie |
DNA sequencing | séquencement de l'ADN | DNA-Sequenzierung | DNA-sequencering |
droppings (poultry) | fientes; déjections | Kot |
uitwerpselen |
precautions (for medical
personnel, to prevent
virus droplets from coming into contact with mucosa of nose, mouth AND
eyes): optimum precautions for
bird flu are a respirator (e.g. FFP3,
or US standard
N99) with face shield or eye protection; a simple surgical mask is not
adequate. |
précautions 'gouttelettes': appareil de protection respiratoire FFP3 + visière; une simple masque médicale ne suffit pas. | Atemschutz
(FFP3) +
Augenschutz (eng anliegende
Schutzbrille), oder Vollmaske FFP3; normale OP-Maske reicht nicht aus. |
ademshalingsbescherming (FFP3 masker) + oogenbescherming, of volgelaatsmasker FFP3; chirurgisch masker voldoet niet. |
EID50 = 50% egg infective dose; median egg infective dose | |||
embryonated eggs | oeufs embryonnés | bebrūtete Eier | bebroede eieren;
ge-embryoneerde eieren |
envelope (of virus) | enveloppe | Hülle | omhulsel; envelop |
(animals) |
épizootie | Epizootie | epizoötie |
epidemic (humans) | épidemie | Epidemie | epidemie |
epizootic see epidemic | |||
ESWI: European Scientific Working Group on Influenza | ESWI:
Groupe de travail
européen sur la grippe |
ESWI: Europäische Wissenschaftliche Arbeitsgruppe Grippe | ESWI: 'European Scientific Working Group on Influenza' |
fallen stock | animaux trouvés morts | verendete Tiere | gestorven dieren |
FFP = filtering face piece (respiratory protection, standard EN149:2001), with 3 levels of efficiency: 1 (low), 2 (medium), 3 (high). | |||
(poultry) |
bandes (de
volaille) |
Geflügel | pluimveebestanden |
virus see
also avian
influenza virus |
virus grippal | Grippenvirus | griepvirus |
Laboratories, brand name for rimantadine) |
Flumadine | Flumadine | Flumadine |
GISRS: Global Influenza Surveillance and Response System (WHO) | GISRS: Système mondial de surveillance de la grippe et de riposte (OMS) | GISRS: globales Influenza-Überwachungssystem (WHO) | GISRS: (WGO) |
GLEWS: Global early warning and response system (for health threats and emerging risks at the human-animal-cosystems interface) (joint FAO/OIE/WHO, based Rome) | GLEWS: Système mondial d'alerte précoce et d'action (pour les maladies animales et les zoonoses émergentes) | GLEWS | GLEWS |
GP see Geflügelpest | |||
H1N1 / H1N2 / H3N2: the only 3 known subtypes of the human flu virus. | H1N1 / H1N2 / H3N2 | H1N1 / H1N2 / H3N2 | H1N1 / H1N2 / H3N2 |
H5N1: see influenza A (H5N1) virus | |||
in humans), see hybrid |
H5N1-ähnlich | ||
H7N3: another strain of avian flu, responsible for outbreak in NL 2003. | |||
haemagglutin (HA) (= the 'H' in H5N1) | hémagglutine | Hämagglutin | hemagglutine |
pathogenic; high
pathogenic |
très pathogène; hautement pathogène; fortement pathogène | hochpathogen | zeer pathogeen; hoog pathogeen |
HPAI: highly pathogenic avian influenza | IAHP: influenza aviaire hautement pathogène | HPAI: hochpathogene aviäre Influenza | HPAI: hoog pathogene aviaire influenza |
transmission; human-to human spread |
d'homme à homme; transmission interhumaine |
Mensch-zu-Mensch-Übertragung | overdracht van mens tot mens |
antibodies) see hybrid |
(virus, anticorps) |
humanisiert (Virus, Antikörper) | gehumaniseerd (virus, antilichnamen) |
hybrid virus (the mutant resulting from combination of the avian virus with a human strain) | virus hybride | Hybridvirus; Mischvirus | mengvirus |
incursion of virus | incursion du virus | Eindringen des Virus | indringen van het virus |
infected holding, as in Council Directive (EU) | exploitation infectée | Seuchenbetrieb | besmet bedrijf |
influenza A (H5N1) virus (first isolated from terns in South Africa in 1961. Responsible for outbeak in Hong Kong 1997, S.E. Asia 2005...) | virus de la grippe A (H5N1) | Influenza A (H5N1)-Virus | influenza A (H5N1)-virus |
intermediate host | hôte intermédiaire | Zwischenwirt | tussengastheer |
IP infected premises (UK usage, cf infected holding | |||
isolate | isolat | Isolat | isolaat |
IVPI: intravenous pathogenicity index (test) | IVPI: indice de pathogénicité intraveineux | IVPI: intravenöser Pathogenitõtsindex | IVPI: intraveneuze pathogeniteitsindex |
lentogenic (Newcastle disease) | lentogène | lentogen | lentogeen |
live virus | virus vivant | Lebendvirus | levend virus |
low pathogenic | faiblement pathogène | wenig
pathogen; gering
erkrankend |
laag pathogeen |
LPAI: low pathogenic avian influenza | IAFP: influenza aviaire faiblement pathogène | LPAI:
gering (oder
schwach) pathogene aviäre Influenza |
LPAI: laag pathogene aviaire influenza |
mass culling | abattage de masse | Massenschlachtung | massaruiming;
grootschalige ruiming |
master seed virus; master seed | virus de souche mère | ||
mesogenic (Newcastle disease) | mésogéen | mesogen | mesogeen |
migratory birds | oiseaux migrateurs | Zugvögel | trekvogels |
mortality | mortalité | Sterblichkeit | sterfte |
organ failure
(MOF) |
insuffisance polyviscérale | Multi-Organversagen; multiples Organversagen | meervoudig orgaanfalen but Dutch mostly uses the EN term |
neuraminidase (the 'N' in H5N1) | neuraminidase | Neuraminidase | neuraminidase |
Newcastle disease (virus is the NDV); also called avian pseudo-plague; avian pneuoencephalitis; (in Asia) Ranikhet disease | maladie de Newcastle; pseudo-peste aviaire; pneumoencéphalite aviaire; (en Asie) maladie de Ranikhet | Newcastle-Krankheit; atypische Geflügelpest; Pseudo-Geflügelpest; Pneumoenzephalitis; (in Asien) Ranikhet-Krankheit | Newcastle ziekte; pseudovogelpest; (in Azië) Ranikhet ziekte |
National |
NIBSC: National Institute for Biological Standards and Control (UK) | |||
OFFLU: OIE/FAO network of expertise on animal influenza (launched 2005 specifically for bird flu, extended 2009 to all animal influenzas) | OFFLU: Réseau scientifique mondial OIE/FAO pour le contrôle des grippes animales | OFFLU:
OFFLU: gezamenlijk OIE-FAO- netwerk van expertise over influenza (reflects OFFLU's old name) |
OIE see World Organisation for Animal Health | |||
oseltamivir (antiviral) | oseltamivir | Oseltamivir | oseltamivir |
outbreak | flambée;
éclosion (Canada) |
Ausbruch | uitbraak |
pandemic | pandémie | Pandemie | pandemie |
pathways for spread | voies de transmission | Übertragungwege | overdrachtswegen |
PEP: post-exposure prophylaxis | |||
person-to-person see human-to-human | |||
poultry | volaille | Geflügel | pluimvee |
powered hood: part of respiratory protective equipment recommended for poultry handlers, cf. TH3P | cagoule à ventilation assistée | Atemschutzhaube mit Gebläseunterstützung | (lucht) kap met aanblaasunit; kap met aangedreven lucht |
primary viral pneumonia | pneumonie virale primaire (ou primitive) | primäre
virale Lungenentzündung (oder
Pneumonie) |
primaire virale pneumonie (of longontstekking) |
prodromal stage |
phase prodromique | Prodromalphase; Vorläuferphase | prodromale fase; prodromaal stadium |
proprietary name; brand name (drugs) | nom de spécialité | Arzneiname | merknaam |
protection zone, defined in Council Directive (EU) | zone de protection | Schutzzone | beschermingsgebied |
reagent kit | trousse
diagnostique |
Reagenzienkit | reagenskit |
reassortant; reassortant virus (one produced by reassortment) | virus réassorti | Reassortant | reassortant; reassortant virus |
whereby 2 types of virus (e.g. bird flu and regular seasonal flu)
invade a host, swapping segments of their genetic code and giving rise
to a new, possibly more virulent strain. |
réassortiment | Reassortment | reassortment |
receptor binding (properties) | (capable, capacité de) lier les récepteurs | Rezeptorbindende (Eigenschaften) | receptor bindende (eigenschappen) |
laboratory see VLA |
laboratoire de référence | Referenzlabor | referentie laboratorium |
release (of virus from cell) | libération | Freisetzung | vrijkomen |
Relenza® (GlaxoSmithKline, brand name for zanamivir) | Relenza® | Relenza® | Relenza® |
respiratory secretions protection, see droplet precautions | |||
restricted zone, defined in Council Directive (EU) | zone réglementée | Restriktionsgebiet; Sperrgebiet; Sperrbezirk | beperkingssgebied |
reverse genetics (vaccines: selected genetic information from an actual-case virus is merged with a laboratory virus.) | génétique inverse | Rückwärtsgenetik; Reversgenetik | 'reverse genetics' (Dutch writers almost always use the EN term) |
(antiviral) |
rimantadine | rimantadine | rimantadine |
ruffled feathers (symptom) | plumes ébourifées; plumage hirsute | gesträubtes Gefieder | ruw verenpak |
respiratory syndrome: type of
pneumonia first reported February 2003 in South China) |
SRAS (syndrome respiratoire aigu sévère) | SARS (schweres akutes Atemwegssyndrom) | SARS (ernstig acuut luchtwegen syndroom; ernstig acuut ademhalings syndroom) |
seed strain (vaccine manufacture) | souche semence | Saatimpfstamm | zaaistam |
virus (vaccine
manufacture) |
virus semence | Saatvirus | zaaivirus |
sentinel bird (unvaccinated, placed in flock, quarantine facility etc. to see if it catches the virus) | oiseau sentinelle | Sentinel-Tier | sentinel-dier |
shedding (of viruses) | excrétion;
élimination |
Ausscheidung |
uitscheiding; excretie |
reservoir |
silencieux |
stilles Reservoir | stil reservoir |
species-specific | spécifique à leur espèce | artspezifisch | soortspecifiek |
spike (proteins on virus surface) | spicule | 'Spike'; Stachel | 'spike' |
spread (verb, see also transmission) | se propager | spreiden; zich verspreiden | |
Standing Committee on the Food Chain and Animal Health (SCFCAH) (EU) | Comité
permanent de la chaîne alimentaire et de
la santé animale (CPCASA) |
Ausschuss für die Lebensmittelkette und
Tiergesundheit (SALT - though EN acronym often used) |
Comité voor de voedselketen en de
diergezondheid (PCVD) |
strain | souche | Stamm | stam |
subclinical phase | phase sous-clinique | subklinische Phase | subklinische fase |
subtype (of virus) | sous-type | Subtyp;
Untertyp |
subtype |
surveillance zone, defined in Council Directive (EU) | zone de surveillance | Überwachungszone | toezichtsgebied |
people) |
susceptible | anfällig | gevoelig |
Symmetrel® (Endo Pharmaceuticals, brand name for amantadine | Symmestrel® | Symmestrel® | Symmestrel® |
Tamiflu® (Roche, brand name for oseltamivir) | Tamiflu® | Tamiflu® | Tamiflu® |
protection): TH = turbo hood, 3 = high efficiency; P = particulates |
transmission | transmission; propagation | Übertragung | overdracht |
tropism (of the virus) | tropisme (du virus) | Tropismus (des Virus) | tropisme (van het virus) |
VDP: Veterinary Delivery Partnership (UK) | |||
vector vaccine | vaccin vecteur | Vektorimpfstoff | vector vaccin |
velogenic (Newcastle disease) | vélogène | velogen | velogeen |
viral isolate | isolat du virus | Virusisolat | virusisolaat |
viral load (measured level of a virus in the blood, not quite the same as 'viraemia', q.v.) | charge virale; virémie | Viruslast | viruslast |
viral receptor | récepteur viral | Virusrezeptor | virusreceptor |
viremia (presence
of a virus in the blood, not necessarily quantified; older term for
'viral load') |
virémie | Virämie | viraemie |
virulent (highly dangerous, causing severe illness or death) | virulent | virulent | virulent |
VLA = Veterinary Laboratories Agency (Weybridge, UK): international reference laboratory for AI recognised by EU, FAO, OIE. Subsumed into the Animal Health and Veterinary Laboratories Agency (2011) and later the Animal & Plant Heath Agency (2014) | |||
waterfowl | oiseaux aquatiques | Wasservögel | watervogels |
wet market: (esp. in S.E. Asia) food market selling live poultry, fish, etc. | marché d'animaux vivants; 'wet market' | Nassmarkt; 'wet market' | 'wet market' |
World Organisation for Animal Health, still routinely known by its historical name of OIE (Office International des Epizooties - Paris, 1924). Has updates on avian flu on its main site, plus a dedicated site. | OIE: Organisation Mondiale de la Santé Animale | OIE: Internationales Tierseuchenamt | OIE: Internationaal Bureau voor Besmettelijke Veeziekten |
zanamivir (antiviral) | zanamivir | zanamivir | zanamivir |
zoonosis: animal disease transmissible to humans (synonym "zoonotic disease"); or the process of such transmission | zoonose | Zoonose | zoönose |