Glossary of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food Science, Plant Health & Veterinary Science

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Saint Pierre = John Dory (fish) / SAU = surface agricole utile see AAU /  SCAS = Standing Committee on Agricultural Structures (EU: EAGGF) / Schlangengurke = cucumber / Schlepptupfer = drag swab (samples poultry litter for pathogens) / Schlundrinne = gastric groove; reticular groove; sulcus ventriculi (oesophageal groove is now less common) (ruminants) / Schnake = cranefly; daddy-long-legs (Tipulidae) / Schneise = forest swathe; forest aisle / schokkers = marrowfat peas / schurft = scab (fruit trees) / Schwebefliege = hover fly; hoverfly; drone fly; flower fly (Syrphidae) / sénescent = senescent (plant) / sensible = susceptible (e.g. plants to a disease) / serre d'acclimatisation = acclimatisation glasshouse / SFDA = State Food and Drug Administration (China) / SHU = Scoville heat units (chili peppers) / SIDO Société Interprofessionelle des Oléagineux (FR) = (suggest) Joint Trade Association of Oilseed Producers  / Silowagen = bulk feed truck / Silowurst see Foliensilo / souche = corm (banana) / période de soudure = hunger season (sub-Saharan Africa: pre-harvest period, when existing food supplies are short or exhausted) / Speisekartoffel = ware potato; table potato / sporulation = sporulation (fungus) / spritzen = sprinkle (hort.) / sprühen = spray (hort.) / SPV = service de la protection des végétaux = plant protection service / SRA = station de recherché agronomique = agricultural research station / stäuben = dust (hort.) / STCF = Scientific and Technical Fisheries Committee (EU) / Steckenbleiber = dead-in-shell chick; chick dead in shell / Stomachikum = digestion enhancer; stomachic (vet.) / stomen = steaming (hort.) / Stoppelbrache = retention of stubble after harvest / Stoppelfeld = stubble field / Streifenbetrieb = strip tillage (agric.) / streuen = spread (hort.) / struisgras = bentgrass (bot.) / surette = Indian jujube (fruit) / surfaces en bananiers = area under banana / SVC Standing Veterinary Committee (EU) /
Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 7 August 2023  
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