Abbreviations &Acronyms Glossary

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FIELDS COVERED: European Union & international affairs, social affairs, development, education, transport (including a fair amount of EU jargon). NB abbreviations ONLY, with minimal notes...
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UAC Uniforme Artikel Codering
(bar codes) (NL)
UAE unité d'activité économique
= UEA q.v.
UAPME Union européenne de l’artisanat et des petites et moyennes enterprises = European Association of Crafts, Trades and Small and Medium-sized Enterprises (NB semi-official only, use FR acronym)
UCLAF Unité pour la coordination de la lutte anti-fraude = Unit for the Coordination of Fraud Prevention (EU: use French acronym)
UCPTE Union for the Coordination, Production and Transport of Electric Power
UCT unaccompanied combined transport
UDE Union Douanière Equatoriale = ECU q.v.
UDEAC Union Douanière et Economique de l'Afrique Central = Central African Customs and Economic Union
UDS unit density sphere
UEA unit of economic activity (stat.)
UEAPME Union Européenne de l'Artisanat et des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises = European Association of Craft, Small and Medium-sized Enterprises
UEBL Union économique belgo-luxembourgeoise
UEF Union of European Federalists
UEMOA = Union économique et monétaire ouest-africaine = WAEMU q.v.
UEO = Union de l'Europe Occidentale = WEU q.v.
UHP unit of homogeneous production (EU, statistics)
UIA i. Union of International Associations
UIA ii. Universitaire Instelling Antwerpen = (suggest) Antwerp University Institute (NB there is also the Universiteit Antwerpen)
UIAPME Union Internationale des Associations de Petites et Moyennes Entreprises
UIC Union Internationale de Chemins de Fer = IUR q.v.
UICN Union Mondiale pour la Nature, = IUCN, q.v.
UIMM = Union des Industries Métallurgiques et Minières (FR) = Union of Metal Manufacturing, Mining, Engineering, Electrical and Metal Equipment and Allied Industries (title from their web site)
UITP Union Internationale des Transports Publics = IUPT q.v.
UKAEA UK Atomic Energy Authority
UKV unbegleiteter Kombinierter Verkehr = UCT q.v.
ULB Université Libre de Bruxelles
ULIMO United Liberation Movement for Democracy in Liberia
ULV Umlagefinanzierungsverfahren = pay-as-you-go system (social security: see General Glossary for explanation)
UNCLOS UN Convention on the Law of the Sea
UNCSTD UN Conference on Science and Technology for Development (1979)
UNCTAD UN Conference on Trade and Development
UNCTC UN Centre on Transnational Corporations
UNDP UN Development Programme
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
UNFPA UN Fund for Population Activities
UNGA UN General Assembly
UNGASS Special Session (of the UN General Assembly)
UNICA (network of) universities in European capital cities (exact title not known in any language..)
UNICE Union des Industries de la Communauté Européenne = Union of Industries of the European Community (EU: use FR acronym)
UNIDO UN Industrial Development Organisation
UNIOPSS Union nationale interfédérale des oeuvres et organismes privés = National Interfederal Union of Private Health and Social Works and Organisations (FR)
UNPAAERD UN Programme of Action for African Economic Recovery and Development
UNPROFOR UN Protection Force (Bosnia)
UNRWA UN Relief and Works Agency (for Palestine Refugees in the Near East) (based Vienna)
UNSCO (Office of the) UN Special Coordinator for the Occupied Territories
UNSCOM United Nations Special Commission on Iraqi Disarmament
UNSO UN Statistical Office
UP Unterpulver: Unterpulverschweißen = submerged arc welding (using e.g. nickel powders)
UPOV Union Internationale pour la Protection des Obtentions Végétales = International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (the UPOV Convention)
UPRN Unique Property Reference Number (Ordnance Survey, UK)
UPU Universal Postal Union; Union Postale Universelle (based Bern)
URL i. (FR) = RLU q.v.
URL ii. uniform resource locator (WorldWideWeb)
USAID US Agency for International Development
UTH unité de travail humain = man-work unit; manpower unit
UTS unité de travail séparé = SWU q.v.
u/v unit volume
UWG Gesetz gegen den unlauteren Wettbewerb (D) = (suggest) Unfair Competition Act
uwi uitvoeringsinstelling see CWI

Created by Alison Gaunt
Last updated: 7 November 2022   
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